Family and Friends Forum

What does NFA really mean?

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Member since
July 2019

394 posts

I have seen people recently post about partners getting NFA this is great news for them and I really wish this would happen for my partner however it's not the end is it really? Just because the police didn't find any evidence or didn't have enough to charge or that its not in the public interest to charge doesn't mean that he didn't do what they are saying he did just that they wouldn't be able to prove to a jury based on what they have he is guilty. When we have an outcome I am going to ask for all information from the solicitor and I can make my own mind up about what has been said. Children's services will probably still think he did it and the saga that goes with them and thier views. Also travel to countries we wanted to visit being made harder can we travel to America? Unlikely. Ok that's not the end of the world and I should be greatful he's not been charged but these were plans we had before. I feel like I'm the one having to be greatful and having to lower my standards of life now. I makes me feel sick the thought of children's services being involved again and just don't know when that will be (let's hope not today as house is a mess ????????‍??) thouse of you who have stayed with your partners have you had counciling if so did you do it after the outcome or before?

Just feeling frustrated by the whole thing xx

Posted Tue December 10, 2019 2:00pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

What a nightmare for you, Summer. I don't know your whole story, being new here, but I would imagine if your partner is NOT on the SOR - then you should be able to travel, surely. Doesn't No Further Action mean just that? Ie no case to answer?

Posted Tue December 10, 2019 5:06pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

I'm.not sure how any of those things would apply with NFA. I know that they will apply while on SOR or the other one. But if NFA they aren't convicted so a Freeman. Has that proven not to be the case with you? X

Posted Tue December 10, 2019 6:27pmReport post

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Hi Summer

yes NFA can mean NFA. And it can mean they haven’t done it. My partner was arrested on third party info (so, not that iioc been downloaded to IP address, but another way). He said he had looked at porn, but adults. He always categorically denied looking at iioc, but had looked at porn and legal stuff.

He gave statement to police (denying it) and then they searched a trillion devices. Police told SS info from his statement with no context and phrases bordering on “he would say that wouldn’t he” and “we suspect we will find more images” (which is weird because at this point they had found NO images, so don’t know where the “more” came from). SS acted like he was guilty and thought I was in denial. Kids on CP plan.

11 months later a phone call out of the blue leaving a message saying NFA. So, not even a second interview. Partner maintained his stance throughout - I have done nothing illegal. He is no technical wizard so they would have found something if it was there. So they found nothing. If they had found something that was even vaguely dodgy they would have interviewed him again.

SS closed case almost immediately.

i never have to tell anyone about this if I so choose. It will, of course, always leave a stain on my parenting (SS records don’t get destroyed) and there are a cast of people who attended CP conferences and heard things dragged up about my life/ my partner’s from 40 years ago. And there will be professionals out there who may always think “no smoke without fire” and the police don’t get it wrong.

Posted Tue December 10, 2019 6:37pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Thank you Tutley, partner and big sigh for your replies.

I have read that some countries like america want you to have a face to face to get a visa if you have been arrested it has been noted for certain types of arrest you will never get a visa. Social services base thier assessments on risk not charges so if they think a risk

my partner was a communication offence he is adamant he didn't think the person was the age he states he was bored at work and chatting to randoms on chat app. (This is something we also have to work on in our relationship). He states they won't find any images etc he states he is repulsed about what he has been accused of. so far has been proven as we have has computer back but told phones take longer as many more to process.

my employer will always know and some others as the nature of my work, it will always been on my children's health record and mortified I have had children's services in my Home and police routing thru my things.

Posted Tue December 10, 2019 8:29pmReport post

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