Here we go again
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I'm dreading the kids going back to school on Monday. It means the end of 2 weeks break from SS. We've enjoyed them being away during the festive period. Now it's back to visits every week. Urgh
I'm with you! I had a nice break without emails, meetings, visitations, and annoyance that comes with it!
There is going to be a team around the child meeting this month. I'm really anxious about it. Especially as they will be deciding how involved they will be or if no further involvement. It's been 10 months since the knock and I trust no one now. Still no court date or anything. Apparently waiting for cyber report (police found nothing on phone and nothing else on iPad other than what was sent - not asked for or wanted - amongst adult photos.) it's just dragging on. His lawyer said they have one year to make a decision. It's just so confusing and stressful