Family and Friends Forum

Full address in the press

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Member since
September 2024

5 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2025 9:31amReport post

Hi all

my OH was sentanced and sent to prison on NYE.
since then various press outlets have given our full address which I am living in alone.
I have spoken to press police etc but nothing can be done.
so far I haven't had any backlash at the house but have upped my security etc.

people who know me however have bombarded me with abuse/ questions/ calling me an idiot/ groomed etc. no matter what I say about having done inform, research, and therapy and counselling. I am with him with my eyes utterly open but am fed up having to explain myself.

any advice/ support/ anyone whos dealt with prison system??

thanks all

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

525 posts

Posted Tue January 14, 2025 11:37amReport post


Thank you for posting on the Family and Friends Forum, we understand that it is not easy to post on a forum about these difficult situations. I can see that you have not yet had a reply on your post, hopefully someone else in a similar situation can reply soon with some support.

If you haven't already done so, I would also encourage you to contact our Stop it Now helpline. The helpline is anonymous, confidential and free, on 0808 1000 900. One of our trained advisors will then be able to explore your situation in detail and provide some support and do their best to answer your questions. Our trained advisors deal with similar concerns to yours every day and will be able to talk these through with you and offer you the best advice we can.

I hope this has been helpful.

Take care,



Member since
September 2024

5 posts

Posted Tue January 14, 2025 9:30pmReport post

Hi Lucy

I would like to thank LFF who have supported me this far.
currently struggling with the prison system


Member since
April 2024

459 posts

Posted Wed January 15, 2025 7:58pmReport post

Do you have children? I found it's much harder to justify a relationship if there are children involved.
I guess it's hard for others to understand why someone would want to stay with someone who'd committed the worst of crimes. I could never, ever have carried on sleeping in the same bed knowing what my ex was thinking about and doing. Even then, my friends left me.


Member since
September 2023

853 posts

Posted Wed January 15, 2025 11:22pmReport post

I'm so sorry you're going through this and so sorry your post got missed. You might want to post under the discussion and support category in future as that's the category that most people read.

I'm here because of my son so my situation is different to yours I've made no secret of the fact I am standing by him 100%. My person isn't in prison but our address was published both on line and in the local paper on at least 2 occasions.

We are now 16 months post sentencing and I choose to be open and honest with people about my sons offending. We've lost friends and gained friends over the last 16 months. It hasn't been easy but has brought us to the place where we've grieved the people we've lost and love and appreciate those we have.

I really appreciate that life's hard at the moment and my heart goes out to you but I can reassure you life will get better and one day you'll find yourself smiling again.


Member since
September 2024

5 posts

Posted Fri January 31, 2025 6:17pmReport post

I do have children from my previous marriage.

he is now in prison... and my life is being made hell by probation. Telling me we can no longer live together when he comes home.

the one thing keeping him going is knowing i am here.
they set them up to fail!!


Member since
April 2024

459 posts

Posted Mon February 3, 2025 11:46amReport post

How can the PO dictate that he can't live with you when he gets out? Is it because of your children? I was threatened with eviction when my ex went to prison because HE broke the terms of the tenancy.


Member since
July 2022

471 posts

Posted Fri February 7, 2025 7:24pmReport post

Thre are various factors a PO will consider. If there are any young children etc what we were told is that if we lived over looking a school then he would not have been allowed back. Some places stipulate a certain distance from a school. OH wanted to go and live with his sister but were told he could not due to living too close even though it was two streets away. We live just down the road from one but as he lived here before he was allowed back. You need to ask for the reasons why they said he cannot move back with you