I don't understand
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I don't understand why my son would do this behaviour, I feel so guilty. We have tried to provide a loving and supportive home.
He can't say why? Any reasons from your experiences?
I don't understand why my son would do this behaviour, I feel so guilty. We have tried to provide a loving and supportive home.
He can't say why? Any reasons from your experiences?
Hi it Would appear, that not many of them understand why they've done it my OH he can't explain to me why he's done it the fact he's done it twice. I don't understand it either. I'm sorry I've got no explanation for you as to why they do it Have you tried ringing the helplines and chatting with them,
You may never understand the reason why.
You may one day understand the why.
Either way, you must look after yourself. The actions of your son, is his alone.
You may one day understand the why.
Either way, you must look after yourself. The actions of your son, is his alone.
Porn addiction is the most common explanation for this behaviour and it functions just like other addictions.
Whenever a person is stressed, they turn to a coping mechanism that has worked for them in the past. That could be drugs, alcohol, gambling, comfort eating or porn.
But because of the way porn is accessed nowadays, it can lead them into dodgy territory very quickly. Illegal images are not difficult to find and that can then lead to escalation.
Whenever a person is stressed, they turn to a coping mechanism that has worked for them in the past. That could be drugs, alcohol, gambling, comfort eating or porn.
But because of the way porn is accessed nowadays, it can lead them into dodgy territory very quickly. Illegal images are not difficult to find and that can then lead to escalation.