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Member since
November 2022

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Posted Wed January 8, 2025 8:30pmReport post

All I want to do is be able to supervise my children but I'm not allowed to. SS haven't told me a valid reason as to why I can't.

I'm not with him btw, but I have remained his friend. There has been no contact between children and him going on three years now.

how many of you have managed to get contact and supervise your own children?


Member since
February 2023

128 posts

Posted Wed January 8, 2025 8:46pmReport post

Hi Dragonmama,

It both upsets me and frustrates me when social services say no contact. Contact is right of child and not right of parent and they have no right to strip a child from contact with their parent or even a step parent.

I am not familiar with the background or children's ages but can you have a contact plan, starting with indirect contact (letters and gifts), to increase it to professionally supervised contact (see if your social services are willing to fund a contact centre or perhaps your social worker do it?), and after that had gone well a while, move to contact supervised by you?


Member since
November 2022

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Posted Wed January 8, 2025 11:24pmReport post


Hi just wanted to say thank you for your reply. No matter what I suggest it's shut down immediately, my children are in senior school and primary. SS are fine with professionally supervised contact via a contact centre for example however they say it's the parents who will be fitting the bill. I can't afford that and he definitely can't as both not working at the moment. I'm just stuck in limbo waiting for them to decide what is fine and what is not. They keep coming up with utter rubbish when it comes to me. Like I'm minimising etc which I have never done. But when you have had so many sw's that the average of lasting is under 2 months it's a wonder anything ever gets done.

Edited Wed January 8, 2025 11:25pm


Member since
November 2024

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Posted Wed January 8, 2025 11:55pmReport post

No advice as I'm in exactly the same situation other than the fact up until recently we was still together but even so i have told them i still wish to supervise and i will still be supporting him wktb his recovery and talking to him every day especiallg when at ths moment he is unable to see his daughter.

From what I can gather no 2 social workers are the same, but most just don't give a shit especially in situations like ours were they have just wrote off the men and it seems there is nothing we can do to change it.


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October 2023

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Posted Thu January 9, 2025 11:09amReport post

If the children have not had contact for years and depending on the age then there may be a concern on how the kids would manage reconnection.

My person's ex cut all communication on arrest. He hasn't had any direct contact with them for seven years now.

He went through family courts to try to get supervised contact, he had assessment of his risk. But it was concluded that it was felt too detrimental to the children due to the length of time and he would have to wait for his kids to actively request contact with him.


Member since
November 2022

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Posted Thu January 9, 2025 12:45pmReport post

My children have been asking constantly for contact (old enough to say what they want) police and probation are all for contact, the forensic risk assessment came back positive and the previous sw was happy for contact to be arranged (left due to theircontract ending before it could set it up unfortunately).
Ss are the only ones preventing contact from happening.

Assessments from police and probation have come back low to medium risk accept ss assessment (made up bs if you ask me) very high risk. No idea where they get that from, although to be honest most of their "information" is fabricated.

when I did the LFF inform course they were going on about how they all have a different language and don't seem to communicate I thought that can't possibly be quite accurate but now I've seen it first hand I whole heartedly agree. They need to do better


Member since
October 2023

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Posted Thu January 9, 2025 1:34pmReport post

It is true about not having the same language.

My partner has had multiple assessments with different criteria and it cost a lot. He even got a judge ordered assesment done by a person the judge instructed. But when he had it done I think ss said the assessment didn't meet their reuirements and would ignore it!

He has since been told be would need another at a cost of 6k. And tbh I just feel with all this uncertainty and the authorities not being clear what they want is a big waste of time and money.

Would having a meeting with SS and the probation officer help?

My person waited until he was deemed low risk by probation to pursue contact. This might be a consideration?


Member since
April 2024

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Posted Fri January 10, 2025 4:11pmReport post

This is just my experience when it comes to SS not allowing us to supervise access. They start from the absolute worst case scenario and work from there. At first they're wondering if we're involved in what our person has been arrested for. We know of course that we haven't. However, you simply can't argue with them because they always come back with the argument that our person used the family/shared ip address to download stuff under our roof and we didn't know so how could we possibly protect our children. We are 99% certain that our person hasn't and wouldn't harm their own children. SS's start off thinking that they're 99% certain that they could/ might. My person was remanded but when I spoke to SS's about our children aged 12 and 14 at the time being able to visit him in prison, I said to them that basically their Dad is a good man. They're reply was, "clearly not". They said that our children were not allowed to visit, or receive letters or calls from him. I was outraged! I asked them why then was it ok for there to be about 30 young children in the visiting hall when I visited him but my children weren't allowed? They said, "He could be speaking to them in code." I even went to see a solicitor about it and they told me in no uncertain terms to stop pushing for the visits or SS's would start to suspect me in some way. So I gave up. We ended up in the position that my 18 and 19 year olds were allowed to visit him whenever they liked but my youngest two weren't allowed any contact whatsoever. They wouldn't even let my older two take them instead of me. My ex was convicted of IIOC, no communication or contact offending and my children were old enough and savvy enough to understand what had happened and to tell SS's that they desperately wanted to see their Dad. It made no difference. SS's were adamant and I can tell you that the harm SS's inflicted on my two youngest children was every bit as bad as what the original issue was. He got out of prison after 15 months and even then SS's wouldn't allow them to see him until they each reached the age of 16 and even then it had to be supervised which they did allow me to do at that point. So my poor Autistic youngest suffered the most. I strongly suspect that alot of the issues we all encounter with SS's are down to an individual's personal opinion and little else. Apologies for rambling, hope I'm making sense! X


Member since
November 2022

256 posts

Posted Tue January 14, 2025 2:53pmReport post


what you have written makes perfect sense to me, it wasn't too much of a ramble if it makes you feel better, trust me I would have pit 1000x more but I'm trying to be as brief as possible as this forum isn't closed.

im just sick of ss intervening all the time, they are the ones having a detrimental impact on my children and myself, not that they care of course.

The hell I've been through is ridiculous, they won't give me a definitive answer as to why I can't supervise just the same old tosh of its against their ethics or principles (again no idea which ones as they won't tell me)

Ive put forward people to potentially supervise and they shot those down too. No matter what I say they won't go for it. They just want me to pay a contact centre. I don't understand how some on here have managed to get contact or even have their person home supervised or otherwise (I won't be though as not with person) etc, it's not consistent.


Member since
April 2024

380 posts

Posted Tue January 14, 2025 5:59pmReport post

Dragonmama, I hear you. Its all so very wrong but they get away with it because, "safeguarding ". To me it's hysteria that's getting in the way. They won't listen because, "safeguarding ". It's all gone too far the other way, I'm my opinion. X