Family and Friends Forum

Feeling Anxious and Alone

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Member since
August 2024

90 posts

Posted Sun January 12, 2025 8:57pmReport post

Those who may have read any of my previous posts my person is my 16yr old and we have no idea how we found ourselves here.

Not sure why I'm posting. Not looking for sympathy just can't talk about it with husband because son always around, my parents are elderly this would not be good for them to know and only my friend knows but hate keep bothering her.

These past few days I've felt so anxious of the unknown and last night and today just cried when kids not around. Husband is type not to talk about things. I just feel so lost and alone. I'm in a new job, started last September a month after the knock and in healthcare so picking up all the bugs. So this means I've not been to gym that was my way of coping with stress.

I contacted the IOC for an update but had no response. The 2nd bail date is in just under 2 weeks. It will then be case of intercepting any mail before my son sees it. This is just to prevent any meltdown.

I just feel lost, lonely and scared of the unknown.


Member since
November 2024

129 posts

Posted Sun January 12, 2025 10:44pmReport post

Give yourself time, feel how you need to feel and don't be afraid to cry. Infront of your son or husband. Your not to blame for any of this so you shouldn't be ashamed to show your emotions, and whether your husband shows how he's feeling or not, he needs to step up for you too. Some times all we need is a big cuddle and to be told it's all going to be OK.

Figuring how to navigate our way through this is near on Impossible. Have you done the inform course? Maybe even talk too a therapist. That might help.

Just know your not alone. And every single one of us on this group know how lonely it can feel. You can message me any time.


Member since
August 2024

90 posts

Posted Sun January 12, 2025 11:12pmReport post


Thank you for commenting.

Around my son I just act normal because we have actually no idea what it is he's supposed to have done other than IP address and email linked. Plus we know he's reported to snapchap something that violated. He also suffers anxiety. In our mind this is not something he's done and potentially school related.

For him I have to keep it all together.

I guess I feel guilty that I failed to protect him.
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