Waiting….. still waiting……
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Sorry Monday morning and need to vent....
I cannot believe we are still waiting.
Knock was Feb 22, second interview March 24, and since then nothing, nada…..
We don’t even know if it’s been sent off to the CPS or not even though we were told it was going to be.
It is quite incredible.
What kind of 'justice' system is this?
Anyone else waiting similar timescales?
I cannot believe we are still waiting.
Knock was Feb 22, second interview March 24, and since then nothing, nada…..
We don’t even know if it’s been sent off to the CPS or not even though we were told it was going to be.
It is quite incredible.
What kind of 'justice' system is this?
Anyone else waiting similar timescales?
It's so unfair - I really feel for you.
Do you have a solicitor? I have no idea about how the system all works but after that amount of time, can you make a formal complaint? No idea if it would harm or help.
We're only a month or so into it all. Weirdly I can't even remember the exact date, I need to check the paper work..so much I can't really remember - my memory of it is all fragmented and doesn't make sense - I remember being in the kitchen with an officer but I don't recall leaving the front room. Anyway, I've gone off topic. The wait and unknown is awful - the stress of it is causing the whole family to crumble..the first week or so I felt like we were quite a strong unit. But that's slipping as time goes on. We're snappy, short tempered, miserable, tired, arguing over nothing. I don't know how we'll keep going, I really don't.
So my heart goes out to you.
I'm sure I saw an old thread about timescales around the country - from a freedom if info request I think. You could do a request for data in your area - although it might not help as I don't know if they go in order of the date or base it on risk/scale etc.
Do you have a solicitor? I have no idea about how the system all works but after that amount of time, can you make a formal complaint? No idea if it would harm or help.
We're only a month or so into it all. Weirdly I can't even remember the exact date, I need to check the paper work..so much I can't really remember - my memory of it is all fragmented and doesn't make sense - I remember being in the kitchen with an officer but I don't recall leaving the front room. Anyway, I've gone off topic. The wait and unknown is awful - the stress of it is causing the whole family to crumble..the first week or so I felt like we were quite a strong unit. But that's slipping as time goes on. We're snappy, short tempered, miserable, tired, arguing over nothing. I don't know how we'll keep going, I really don't.
So my heart goes out to you.
I'm sure I saw an old thread about timescales around the country - from a freedom if info request I think. You could do a request for data in your area - although it might not help as I don't know if they go in order of the date or base it on risk/scale etc.
That's just awful is your OH able to be at home?
IM in the fifth year of this hell.
The system is completely broken! Still no pre sentence report and sentencing is in days.
The system is completely broken! Still no pre sentence report and sentencing is in days.
We got the knock on valentines day 2023, he got charged March 2024, went to court April 2024 and was sentenced In June 2024. It's such a long drawn out process and I don't think they understand the hell that we go through with them waiting. I always used to tell myself that no news is good news.
T2021 we had the same thing, pre sentence report on the Thursday morning with no time to digest the information (certainly the questions we then had over the weekend couldn't be answered) with sentencing on the Monday morning. It's like your swept up in a storm that makes no sense. Sending love your way xxx
sentencing in just under 4 weeks. That'll be almost 3 years. Second time around too. I'm scared out of my mind.
T2021, What on earth???? 5 YEARS?! That's astounding and utterly appalling. I'm so sorry. X
It's a joke isn't it. Can see sentencing not going ahead at this rate. It is not a complicated case. Police decoy, very straightforward they said the officer in charge of the case left to another department a couple of years ago but that's no excuse in my opinion. Knock was July 2020.
How on earth have you got through the years :(
Just coming up to 2nd birthday and no idea where the police have got to. Oh, they assure anyone 'professional' who asks, eg when they had to submit an update for Child Protection reviews, that they are 'making good progress' and would be sending off to CPS soon - apart from our son's solicitor of course, who they ignore if he asks on behalf of our son. He says that's how it always goes. So ignorant!
Recently they have even stopped being honest with the 'professionals' as our grandchildren's SW tried to find out where the police were in the investigation as she was appalled on behalf of the children that it was taking so long. She was told the same old, same old and promised that the OIC would let her know as soon as it went to CPS which was apparently 'any day now'. That was 6 weeks ago and she hasn't heard back so yet again the police have no concern for children's well being which makes them guilty of child emotional abuse through their negligence. How ironic when their job is to help prevent child abuse!
I had a bright idea the other day that if the investigation of an offence exceeded the maximum sentence set out for that offence, then there should be some mitigation in favour of the defendant to compensate them, as if it had been done in a timely manner then they could have been punished and rebuilding their lives again. If only!
Recently they have even stopped being honest with the 'professionals' as our grandchildren's SW tried to find out where the police were in the investigation as she was appalled on behalf of the children that it was taking so long. She was told the same old, same old and promised that the OIC would let her know as soon as it went to CPS which was apparently 'any day now'. That was 6 weeks ago and she hasn't heard back so yet again the police have no concern for children's well being which makes them guilty of child emotional abuse through their negligence. How ironic when their job is to help prevent child abuse!
I had a bright idea the other day that if the investigation of an offence exceeded the maximum sentence set out for that offence, then there should be some mitigation in favour of the defendant to compensate them, as if it had been done in a timely manner then they could have been punished and rebuilding their lives again. If only!
Police and SS are very quick to act when it's something they want out of you. I'm still waiting on documentation the OIC said she would send to me after we raised concerns about how the search of the house had been conducted, she emailed me back and confirmed I was correct regarding the concerns raised and promised to send the documents asked for later that afternoon, two weeks later were still waiting for them.
I agree rainy day.
the whole process is mad! If I was on the other side and my child's images had been shared or extorted from them I'd be furious I'd had taken this long to get to court.
The offenders (and their families) are living under restrictions and being punished the whole time the investigation is going on. To start the sentence when it's already taken years to get that far is crazy. If they'd been remanded in custody is that time taken off the sentence in other offences?? Because if all our peoples cases were like that they'd be owed time back!!!
the whole process is mad! If I was on the other side and my child's images had been shared or extorted from them I'd be furious I'd had taken this long to get to court.
The offenders (and their families) are living under restrictions and being punished the whole time the investigation is going on. To start the sentence when it's already taken years to get that far is crazy. If they'd been remanded in custody is that time taken off the sentence in other offences?? Because if all our peoples cases were like that they'd be owed time back!!!
Holdingthegrenade - time on remand is counted as time served if given a custodial sentence. Time on tagged bail can also be counted.
Oh what do you know... put back another 6 weeks! What's 6 weeks when it's been nearly 5 years!
Is your oh having to live away from home?
He moved out the day of the knock and we split. I am supporting him as a friend, what worries me the most is the affects this will have on my children if he goes to prison or in the media.
When people have children it shouldn't be allowed in the media why we only protect some kids is beyond me
This is my point too, despite the fact we have been very lucky compared to others and OH has been allowed home for all of the 3 years, our kids have gone through both GCSE years and A level years with this horrible stressful situation hanging over them. As someone above said, isnt this about safeguarding kids? I appreciate it is VERY different to the situation those poor kids in the photos/videos endured, but these events are life changing nonetheless for our kids, the secondary victims, with what they are being exposed to in terms of mental stress due to the drawn out nature of this convictions.
T2021 I simply cant beleive its been 5 years, that is APPALLING. Time to put in a formal complaint? I am close and we are only 3!!!
Completely agree. Protect a fake child, but no one cares about my real children.
Arrest August 2022
CPS Feb 2024 heard nothing
CPS Feb 2024 heard nothing
A year from CPS wow