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Involved with everything

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Member since
November 2024

46 posts

Posted Wed January 15, 2025 11:06amReport post

Since the knock last year, SS have obviously been involved. Over the last 5 months they have become involved in everything and not just with my person's situation. They are checking school attendance. one child is additional support needs and has a lot of support arranged within the school but SW questions everything do to with it. My other child has trouble with fatigue and joint pain. The school are aware and my child does everything possible to get to school but some days are hard and the fatigue is too much. SW said it's not an excuse to miss school (it's on the medical records etc but still not good enough). I have been told I have to make sure they are both in school all day every day. One day one of the children has a stomach bug. 48 hour rule applied (as per school guidelines and infection control) and SW said that's just a guideline and does not have to be followed. I can't win.


Member since
April 2023

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Posted Wed January 15, 2025 3:34pmReport post

You SW needs to talk to your children's school. What a busybody! No school would be happy about a child coming into school having had or still suffering from any illness that could be passed on to others (let alone the stress for the sick child)

The 48hour 'stay home' policy is uniform and here is exactly what the Government website says about it......'

'It's fine to send your child to school or nursery with a minor cough or common cold if they are otherwise well and do not have a high temperature. But if your child has a fever, they should stay home from school or nursery until they feel better, and the fever has resolved.If they have diarrhoea and/or vomiting, they should stay home for at least 48 hours after the last episode.'

And anyway, guidelines are there for you to be GUIDED BY, otherwise they would be called 'options'. I can't believe that anyone working with children wouldn't know this information and suspect your SW was just being defensive about it all, having to have the last word etc etc. Perhaps you could send her this NHS link just to help her educate herself ;)

I have read so many awful stories on this forum lately concerning both SWs and OICs and I'm feeling so cross for everyone.

Edited Wed January 15, 2025 3:38pm


Member since
November 2024

46 posts

Posted Wed January 15, 2025 8:19pmReport post

Honestly he's a nightmare. He's aware of the rule just doesn't agree with it. Wouldn't be saying that if a colleague passed it on would he.

I can't stand dealing with SS. They criticise absolutely everything


Member since
April 2023

490 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2025 9:14amReport post

So his belief supercedes the school, the NHS and the Government in what should happen when a child is unwell. Add arrogance to the list of his characterisitics and a good measure of ignorance too! So sorry you have to put up with him.

Could you explain all of this to the school - perhaps the safeguarding person or even the Head and ask one of them to speak to this SW and explain the hows and whys of the health and safety regs concerning illness. See if he tells them his 'expert' opinion and how it goes down!


Member since
November 2024

46 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2025 6:10pmReport post

The other thing that really angered me is he said ny son hasn't been at school but when I checked with his head of year I was told he had in fact been in school. The lies and the ridiculous opinions are awful and makes you wonder what is being put in reports