Family and Friends Forum

Things are moving

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Member since
September 2024

95 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2025 4:07pmReport post

So after the unannounced OIC visit on Tuesday and my OH's blurred recollection of the conversation we saw a solicitor yesterday.

Solicitor has spoken to the OIC today who confirmed that he has the devices back and now needs to compile his report.

Next (2nd) bail date is 20/02 so at that point it will be 2nd interview if necessary (depending on what has been found on the devices) or a further bail extension while it goes to CPS.

I am really surprised how quickly the devices have been returned - a good sign maybe? Who knows!

Of course we both want this all over so that we can move on with rebuilding trust and try and build bridges with those who have reacted badly, but at the same time we were settled into a little limbo bubble and now that's burst.

Feeling very sad and uncertain, and dreading what is to come.


Member since
August 2024

85 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2025 11:29pmReport post

I think the uncertainty and the dread are the worst parts of being on this journey. Plus no control over it.

It's interesting how quick your persons devices have come back. My person is 16 and his second bail date should have been next week but they've now removed all bail conditions and it's just under investigation until devices are checked.


Member since
April 2023

503 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 8:10amReport post

At the risk of sounding like a real pessimist I'd just advise you to take anything you're told by the OIC with a huge pinch of salt. If they are being honest that's great and there must be some decent OICs but after 2 years of being told a long list of untruths, all to make it sound as if the police are working efficiently, and with expediency, we have become extremely cynical. I think they know that not many people will complain as this is such a sensitive subject that none of us want to do anything to make things worse so we just put up with being treated shabbily and dishonestly despite the effects on the families of the offenders, and especially on the children. Bit ironic really when it centres around protecting children from abuse :(

Edited Fri January 17, 2025 8:10am


Member since
September 2024

95 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 8:16amReport post

Rainy - the OIC has told the solicitor the same thing - only time will tell if he is being honest about timescales. I know from what I have read on this forum that it's likely to take much longer hence our surprise. We remain hopeful. X


Member since
April 2023

503 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 9:09amReport post

Fingers crossed - I've always been an optimist in life but this saga has really put that to the test for me! You just feel so foolish when you're an honest person yourself and assume others will be- but here's hoping you have one of the 'good'uns' on your case!!