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PLO process advice

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Member since
June 2023

66 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2025 8:54pmReport post

To my absolute shock, it's actually happening, our case has been escalated to PLO.

I've managed to finally calm down a bit after being completely blind sided by the news but I can already tell that a lot of behaviours when I'm extremely stressed/depressed have started to resurface but I've already taken the steps to try and help with that.

If anyone has gone or is going through this can you give me any advice in what to expect? I've already contacted a solicitor who seemed really helpful & friendly and even raised an eyebrow or two at some of the things I told her that we've had to deal with regarding SS. As scared as I am, I finally feel that we're going to have someone on our side to actually put SS in their place and help us get away from all this and finally let us live a semi-normal life, even my OH's probation officer has said the way that SS have treated us, and the restrictions put in place are too severe and shouldn't have gone to PLO but it's not down to us but just another battle we have to face.

TIA for any help x


Member since
December 2020

151 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2025 9:51pmReport post

Sorry what is PLO


Member since
July 2022

75 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 8:25amReport post

Hi plo means Public Law Outline sets out the duties local authorities have when considering taking a case to court to ask for care order to take child in to care or for a supervision order to be made .


Member since
November 2022

409 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 10:28amReport post

I am so sorry - there is no rhyme or reason to the decisions to SS.

In some cases, they close the case very quickly, in some cases they go for PLO.


Member since
June 2023

66 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 3:53pmReport post

What gets me is months ago they said we didn't meet the threshold for PLO and now all of a sudden despite nothing changing they've gone and done this? Every single professional I've worked with has always said how they've got no issues, are happy with how my child is and my parenting skills are excellent, I just don't understand.

To me, it's just kind of solidified how negatively I think of my county's social services that they aren't people to be trusted and won't think of the child's best interest if it doens't fit their agenda. Don't get me wrong I know my OH's actions are to blame for why we're in this mess, but SS haven't been any help through this entire ordeal either.

I'm just holding out hope that my solicitor can really push back and get this descalated, if not, then that's our family separated for good.


Member since
November 2022

409 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 4:26pmReport post

Tryingtokeephope, PLO doesn't mean your child will be necessarily removed.

There's a possibility that it will be stepped down to a child protection plan after the PLO.

And even if they apply to court for removal, the judge decides and not social services xx


Member since
June 2023

66 posts

Posted Fri January 17, 2025 8:20pmReport post

Thanks Hpl, I know it doesn't automaticly mean my child will be removed or even that it'll go to court but I just don't even want to risk it, throughout this whole thing my child was the only thing that got me out of bed every day, that was the one shred of positivity that kept me going, and if they were taken away I honestly don't know what I'd do. I know they won't be gone gone, but horrible to even think about.

So far I've been doing a lot of things, signing up to courses not just for my own support but to better help my understandings and such, I've even contemplated getting a protective parenting assessment done privately, my SS probably won't take any notice but I just hope that it might do something at least xx


Member since
February 2023

131 posts

Posted Sat January 18, 2025 8:28pmReport post

Good news is that you will have legal representatives. Matters are dealt with much more professionally at lawyer level. Not perfect but better. PLO meetings are short and to do point. Handled professionally and you don't even need to talk, your lawyer will. In hindsight it may be a blessing.

Don't pay for your own assesments as that would be dismissed.

Please start calling around and pick someone who has experience in your local authority and nature of the case and ask your partner to do the same. This is very important, legal aid will cover your costs. I hope you can avoid proceedings. Best of luck.

Edited Sat January 18, 2025 8:29pm

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