Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2025

22 posts

Posted Sun January 19, 2025 12:53amReport post


Do any of you feel that porn becomes an addiction? If so how do you support your family member from accessing content?

I keep getting told that there is legal stuff out there, but how do they know whether a pic is an over 18???

Help please.....


Member since
March 2022

442 posts

Posted Mon January 20, 2025 11:15amReport post

The basics of managing porn addiction is all about identifying triggers and then coming up with a plan of what to do when a trigger occurs.

Typically there will be a stress point in the persons life and they turn to porn because it helped them cope in the past.

In AA the alcoholic will usually have a sponsor who they ring everytime they feel the urge to have a drink. Porn addicts need something similar and they could join SAA (sex addicts anonymous) for example to get help.

In my view, it would be a mistake for an addict to think that legal porn is still ok to use, because that is like an alcoholic saying to themselves, I'll just drink beer, not spirits and that will be ok.

If they are an addict they need to stay away from all porn, because the escalation process usually begins with legal porn sites.


Member since
January 2025

22 posts

Posted Mon January 20, 2025 12:40pmReport post

Thank you so much Edel2020, that is really helpful information.

I didn't know of the group you talk about, so I will look into that.

I am an anxiety sufferer, so I have spoken to them about triggers and they just say when stressed and bored which I believe is a cover for something else. I think they need CBT or some form of therapy to recognise the triggers and how to replace it, but I am at a loss.



Member since
March 2022

442 posts

Posted Tue January 21, 2025 11:11amReport post

If he is under probation, he may be sent on the iHorizon course, which deals with a lot of the issues. Alternatively, StopSO offers therapists that specialise in this area.

CBT would probably be helpful, although finding another activity, which is ideally not internet related, would be just as good. Something that he can do, in moments of stress or boredom, that gets him away from a screen.

In a sense, stress and boredom are covers for deeper issues, but they are still recognisable triggers. The deepest issue that all addicts face though, is an inability to ask for help, when they need help.

They should be able to turn to a partner for emotional support for example, when stressed, but they choose to self medicate instead. That is usually explained by an unresolved issue from childhood. Put simply, they asked for help in the past but didn't get it, and they have never really got over that.