Hope after Vigilante Exposure ?
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My (ex)person was chatting online to a vigilantie decoy. So far what he has admitted is a conversation, sending a d*** pic, asking for pics. And potentially some IIOC on his phone. The extent of these images remain unknown. And maybe more chats, although he says it's just the one.
They posted the sting over Facebook and within days everyone in his life knew. Family. Friends. His work.
Everyone has blocked him. Work have sacked him. He now basically hides at a flat he has managed to secure.
Does anyone else have experience with this? Is there hope for him to have some form of life? His life is no longer with us or his children- at least until we know the extent of what his phone contains. And then we can start weaving him back into some form of fatherhood, if appropriate.
But I don't wish him an empty existence.
Gosh this is conflicting.
Love him. Hate him. Piss off. Give him a chance of redemption?
Sending light as always x
They posted the sting over Facebook and within days everyone in his life knew. Family. Friends. His work.
Everyone has blocked him. Work have sacked him. He now basically hides at a flat he has managed to secure.
Does anyone else have experience with this? Is there hope for him to have some form of life? His life is no longer with us or his children- at least until we know the extent of what his phone contains. And then we can start weaving him back into some form of fatherhood, if appropriate.
But I don't wish him an empty existence.
Gosh this is conflicting.
Love him. Hate him. Piss off. Give him a chance of redemption?
Sending light as always x
I have lots of experience of this, if you want please feel free to message me
From the ashes
Apart from the ILOC this could be my story. I worry what the future holds especially if it goes in the press, if or when it goes to court. He's still on pre charge bail and awaiting the next step.
It was a Facebook vigilante sting too but luckily not at the house. Weirdly though the group who orchestrated this has now changed their group on Facebook and Instagram to private so you have to join to see any footage. Not that I want to see anything but I was just doing a Google search of my persons name to see what came up and nothing did. Whereas in the past it did. I found this strange but I'm also glad.
We're no longer together but I still have feelings for him and we are in contact x
Apart from the ILOC this could be my story. I worry what the future holds especially if it goes in the press, if or when it goes to court. He's still on pre charge bail and awaiting the next step.
It was a Facebook vigilante sting too but luckily not at the house. Weirdly though the group who orchestrated this has now changed their group on Facebook and Instagram to private so you have to join to see any footage. Not that I want to see anything but I was just doing a Google search of my persons name to see what came up and nothing did. Whereas in the past it did. I found this strange but I'm also glad.
We're no longer together but I still have feelings for him and we are in contact x
Hi ashes
My son was caught by viglantes, talking to a decoy,he sent rude pictures and ask them
It was also steamed all over Facebook, he removed himself from Facebook straight away
He lost job,friends and some family, house,and a uncertain future with his wife
He got 2 yrs suspended sentence
100 hrs community service now complete
10 yrs shipo and sor
It was in papers,luckily no pictures
My son was caught by viglantes, talking to a decoy,he sent rude pictures and ask them
It was also steamed all over Facebook, he removed himself from Facebook straight away
He lost job,friends and some family, house,and a uncertain future with his wife
He got 2 yrs suspended sentence
100 hrs community service now complete
10 yrs shipo and sor
It was in papers,luckily no pictures
Thank you for your replies.
Poppop. How is your son now? Does he have a job, new friends? I hope he has found some peace?
Is 10yrs on the SOR and SHPO fairly common for his offences?
Sorry for the question bombardment x
Poppop. How is your son now? Does he have a job, new friends? I hope he has found some peace?
Is 10yrs on the SOR and SHPO fairly common for his offences?
Sorry for the question bombardment x
My person found a new job. Totally different direction to previous job and has set himself up as self-employed. Luckily he has a small work pension that covers most of his bills that takes away some money worries.
That's great he has managed to find work and cover his bills. I really think purpose in life is one of the small steps to not reoffending or worse.
He managed to find a little job,no question ask
But it's here and there
He got one friend, that stopped by him
At the moment is living with my parents and wife with here's
They do meet up
But as the future I don't no,as his wife moving up north with family, and he may be going up later
I am not sure if 10 yrs is normal
The judge said he was very lucky he did not go to jail
I think pleading guilty straight away helped
He also got autsim
He just takes one day at time
He low risk
But it's here and there
He got one friend, that stopped by him
At the moment is living with my parents and wife with here's
They do meet up
But as the future I don't no,as his wife moving up north with family, and he may be going up later
I am not sure if 10 yrs is normal
The judge said he was very lucky he did not go to jail
I think pleading guilty straight away helped
He also got autsim
He just takes one day at time
He low risk
My son felt he'd never be able to leave the house again after his story was published online and in the local paper, his marriage ended, he lost his job, home, family life and best friend.
He received a 2 year suspend sentence, 300 hours community service, a fine, 10 years SHPO and SOR.
16 months after sentencing, he takes his children out (with supervision), goes shopping, has made a couple of new friends, plays football and has a small part time job. He smiles and laughs, he sings along to music and is content with a much simpler life.
He received a 2 year suspend sentence, 300 hours community service, a fine, 10 years SHPO and SOR.
16 months after sentencing, he takes his children out (with supervision), goes shopping, has made a couple of new friends, plays football and has a small part time job. He smiles and laughs, he sings along to music and is content with a much simpler life.