Prison Likely :(
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Hi lovelies x
'We' are still waiting for CPS to make their decision but new evidence has came out and its looking really bad
Prison time is now unalmost certain sadly. Can someone let me PM you with some question I have about prison time please? I want to try and prepare him as much as I can x
Also feel free to also post any tips for prison here x
'We' are still waiting for CPS to make their decision but new evidence has came out and its looking really bad
Prison time is now unalmost certain sadly. Can someone let me PM you with some question I have about prison time please? I want to try and prepare him as much as I can x
Also feel free to also post any tips for prison here x
I'm really sorry to hear this. Is your person's offence communication or images?
Sending a huge hug x
Sending a huge hug x
I wanted to send you some big hugs from me. I'm not in the UK however my husband is currently serving a prison sentence so I understand those feelings. It is a hard time but in many ways easier because the uncertainty is gone.
For him, again I'm not in the UK, but my advice is do all the things. Work, attend activities, participate fully in any programming.
For you... Take each day one at a time, rest often, simplify chores, get out of the house but only see people who make you feel good, try to get light exercise.
Something we are doing is reading the same book. We read 10 pages and then talk about it. I try to watch the movies they show so we can talk about it.
I wanted to send you some big hugs from me. I'm not in the UK however my husband is currently serving a prison sentence so I understand those feelings. It is a hard time but in many ways easier because the uncertainty is gone.
For him, again I'm not in the UK, but my advice is do all the things. Work, attend activities, participate fully in any programming.
For you... Take each day one at a time, rest often, simplify chores, get out of the house but only see people who make you feel good, try to get light exercise.
Something we are doing is reading the same book. We read 10 pages and then talk about it. I try to watch the movies they show so we can talk about it.
Sydhuds, I didn't want to read and scroll on without sending you my love and a big hug.
Not sure if you have looked online but there are some excellent resources about facing a custodial sentence and dealing with life inside, many of the best are written by ex-prisoners themselves. I used them to help me understand in some small way what my OH had been through during his previous time in prison, I mean I'll never truly understand it unless of course for some reason I end up in prison myself.
A few useful sites are
PrisonUK blog
My partner and I have had quite lengthy chats about his time banged up, so feel free to message any questions and I'll see if I can answer them
A few useful sites are
PrisonUK blog
My partner and I have had quite lengthy chats about his time banged up, so feel free to message any questions and I'll see if I can answer them
My son Is six months into a sentence. He has coped well. Got 'work',goes to the gym & chapel -even made friends. It is not all bad. Feel free to pm me.
My son is not at all street wise, I was terrified when he started his prison sentence (so was he)! But he's gathered so much strength during his time, worked hard and now on a treatment programme. Sounds weird, but I think it's made a man of him.......
message me anytime x
message me anytime x
Gosh, I feel for them and for you too.
What were their charges (if you don't mind me asking) I am petrified of my son having to go to prison.
What were their charges (if you don't mind me asking) I am petrified of my son having to go to prison.
What makes you think prison is likely now?
Thank you all so so so so much to those who messaged me and offered for me to message them with my questions. It really is helping a lot seeing the different perspectives x
My.person went to.prison. I can try to answer any questions you have
I would be interested anxiousgirl?