Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2019

1 post

Posted Wed December 18, 2019 10:22pmReport post

i don’t want to give identifying details but need to be on here because I don’t know anyone else in this situation. Nearly 2 years ago my ex (we split due to this) was arrested after a sting by a vigilante group. He refused and still refuses to allow anyone to tell me anything, I’ve found out what I know as it’s become public domain. He’s been charged with attempted sexual communication with a child and attempting to meet a child after grooming. I’m disgusted with him and will never take him back. Our children don’t see him as social services have advised against it and basically said that if I allow direct contact my ability/willingness to protect them will be questioned. I’m now awaiting the trial and the potential unwanted media attention if reporters are there. In my job it will be awful, at least initially if everyone finds out. I don’t feel I can tell people openly why we split and I think some people think I’ve kicked him out for no good reason. How do others deal with the stigma? Family have said I have nothing to be ashamed of but reading the comments that went with the Facebook coverage of the sting (miraculously very few people I know saw that) I think people will judge. I feel like I’m not being honest with friends and people who say they get what it’s like to be a single mum etc, though well meaning, just don’t know what it’s been like. I’m still in limbo until a conclusion is reached then the kids will have all the upset of his reintroduction at some point in some way. It just sucks and he’s not even sorry. He’s never apologised or tried to make amends.


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2019 11:34amReport post

Hi there,

wow your story really resonates with me.

My partner was caught the same way as your husband, in a vigilante sting. That was 18months ago in a town a long way from where we live. He was released under investigation and the police came for our devices and we have heard nothing more.

I am sorry your husband is being so uncooperative, it is just such a tough situation.
I am presuming he is pleading not guilty as it's going to trial?

I must admit I am not looking forward to social services being in our lives. He is still living in our house, we have a son but I will never be a couple with him again, the trust is gone. We are like house mates now! It is so sad as he is such a good dad and is very close to our son.

You sound like you are doing well and doing everything you can in a desperate situation.

I wish you all the best and keep coming back on here, there is so much help and support. It has helped me so much.

Mabel x x x