Family and Friends Forum

Solicitor companies

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Member since
December 2024

9 posts

Posted Thu January 23, 2025 9:44amReport post

hello all you lovely ladies,

I feel terrible I'm in this situation at no fault of my own.

my husband was arrested in dec 24

me and my OH are discussing the possibility of hiring a private solicitor who specialises in these cases to help us out if he does require a second interview come and ultimately if he is charged.

the ones we have spoken to and got quotes for is just bonkers (10/15k) this is untouchable.

If anyone has any experience of a firm that doesn't charge through the roof, advice on when to get the solicitor and any other tips that would be so helpful.

im sorry we are all in this situation :(


Member since
March 2022

429 posts

Posted Fri January 24, 2025 10:56amReport post

We are not allowed to recommend individual firms on the forum unfortunately.

Solicitors charge by the hour, so when they give these crazy quotes they are assuming a certain amount of work is going to be done. But a lot of that work may not be necessary. They like to take the money up front if they can get it and then refund anything that is not spent.

Two things to bear in mind. The hourly rate they charge, is based on the seniority of the solicitor and where they are in the country. London based solicitors charge way more than anyone else, so unless you are living in London, avoid those at all cost.

Second, the biggest thing to affect costs is the type of plea. If you plead guilty it will cost a lot less than pleading not guilty. Typically a guilty plea will cost between 3k to 6k. A not guilty could be much higher, especially if it goes all the way to a trial.

Have you checked to see if he can get legal aid?