Family and Friends Forum

CPS decision

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Member since
June 2024

180 posts

How long is a CPS decision supposed to take? Is there a time limit on it?

My persons report went to CPS August. They came back asking for more information, it went back again to CPS and we were told a decision was due back right before Xmas. It's now January. I've struggled through Christmas fully expecting bad news at any second. The next extension of bail is next week....will they wait to do charges then? If not how long can CPS keep my family in limbo. I can't prepare or protect my child from what's coming if I don't know what's coming or when...

Posted Fri January 24, 2025 10:36pm
Edited Fri January 31, 2025 7:59pmReport post


Member since
September 2023

878 posts

My persons case went back and forward between the police and CPS several times and took many months before charges were finally given. I'm sorry you're still waiting as I know how hard that is.

Posted Fri January 24, 2025 11:04pmReport post

Concerned boyfriend p

Member since
January 2025

4 posts


In my experience CPS's decision as to whether to charge or not took 22 months, 17 from the knock (occurred in 2021) and then a further 5 for CPS to decide whether to charge or not.

Apparently due to backlogs it can take a long time now but they seem to aim for no later than 6 months on from the case being presented to them by the police, this is then communicated either by a physical police officer or in my persons case via a letter in the mail.

What I would suggest for preparing is to sit, think about who needs to know this is going on and then have what will doubtlessly be a difficult but needed conversation with your loved ones, and remember that this isn't a reflection on you, you're just the one trying to manage this mess.

Posted Sat January 25, 2025 4:39pmReport post


Member since
June 2024

180 posts

Thanks, I didn't realise it could go back and forth so many times; it's a bit of a joke really to keep people waiting so long. the longer this goes on the longer I'm having to hide it, and it's a burden. I feel like I'm a terrible person for lying to them. But I don't want to add to my own stress by telling people before I need they'll be upset and worried and I won't be able to give them the answers to the questions they'll ask. The waiting is torture, to the point of cruelty.

Posted Sat January 25, 2025 5:03pmReport post

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