Family and Friends Forum

No chance for a new start

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Member since
September 2019

25 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2019 11:21amReport post

Following my husband's conviction this summer it went viral over social media & the local press. We survived but it was incredibly difficult.

We took the decision to change our name and were forced to move and I've finally started to relax a bit.

Then this morning I made the mistake of looking through some social media comments where I discovered someone has posted our new name and address. How can we ever move on from this?. I've tried reporting it to Facebook but they don't consider it a breech of rules so there's nothing we can do!

I so wish I hadn't looked, ignorance was bliss. Feeling completely shattered all over again, just want to be allowed to move forward but it seems impossible.


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2019 11:32amReport post

Bellarose, you sound awfully like me in a way. We moved, my husband changed his name and lo and behold and old neighbour lives here.

It is unlikely those from your new area will be looking at comments on a story from the old area. Facebook will not remove it as it is "freedom of speech" so sadly theres nothing you can do about that. I had my address (not the one I am at now), my car license plate and descriptions of me and my children on Facebook. Police couldn't do anything.

My advice is delete facebook. Dont read the comments as it will only upset you. Enjoy your life in your new area. Just always remain vigilant. X
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