Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2019

2 posts

First post, and a post I never had even imagined until a week ago when we were woken by a knock at the door.

My husband was arrested, released under investigation. We have both lost our jobs in all but paper so will soon have no income- I'll find myself having to ask about benefits for the first time ever.

He has severe mental health problems, as do I. I am supporting him as I truly believe any offence is a symptom of his mental illness.

I'm tired, not sure I can cope.

But thought I'd say hi. I expect to be here a lot for a while! I'm not very sociable and live my life on forums.

Posted Thu December 19, 2019 10:44pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi justme

im sorry you've found yourself in the position your in through no fault of your own. Right now your still in shock and more than likely not thinking straight. That will calm down in time. I know this because I've been through it with my son from him being convicted of a communication offence. When it first happened I honestly did not think I'd get through it at all. I did get through it and am still getting through it as my son serves a prison service. It's been the hardest thing ever but I can tell you it gets easier as time goes on. The one thing I will say is look after yourself because I did not with almost dire consequences. I can honestly promise you it will get better in time. Life will be different but you'll start to accept your new life but by bit. I can't comment on work and benefits because we are all self employed and thankfully it's still going. There will be others on this forum who can advise better who have husbands who have been arrested. I'd advise to keep coming on here. You will find good support. I have not talked to the helpline but I'm told they can offer excellent advice as well. Also a lot of people on here have connected on mumsnet which is a lifesaver for a lot of people on here. Take care x

Posted Thu December 19, 2019 10:58pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

2 posts

Thank you for replying.

I don't even know what mumsnet is - I'm not a parent!

Posted Fri December 20, 2019 1:54pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Justme

What a horrible time you're going through and this time of year as well!

This process can be a very long one so please make sure you're taking as much self-care as possible, maybe even mention it to your GP so they can help you. Make sure your partner also gets help.

This does get better but at the beginning it just feels like you're walking through treacle but it won't always be that way.

Keep coming on here and ring the helpline, the story is amazing.

Yes, if you want to private message join Mumsnet, you don't need to be a parent then private message. My user name is TB14

Take care xx

Posted Fri December 20, 2019 5:30pmReport post

Quick exit