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Social Services - my oh my!

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Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

128 posts

Posted Tue January 28, 2025 8:21pmReport post

So I've been assessed as there being no concerns, that I'm taking things seriously and I'm doing a great job at sticking to my safety plan - she told my ex that I was on the ball. Also spoken to the school, who confirmed both boys are happy, achieving well, confirmed me and my ex supportive parents who are emotionally available, no concerns at all.

In the next breath..... 'however I've met with my supervisor.....' (Oh will this be the person who hasn't met a single one of us and is paying the SW a salary to provide a professional judgement). The Supervisor has serious concerns about my OH being anywhere near them and so they have requested no contact. As it turns out he stopped coming to the house 2 weeks ago, as hard and awful as that's been for us all, we wanted to protect us all on the run up to sentencing. When I told this to the SW she almost sounded apologetic and said 'oh no he's still okay to come see you, just not when the kids are there.'
She said they'd carry out a risk assessment on my OH but not overly sure what they'll base their decision on. If anyone has any knowledge on what it involves and how they make their judgement would be really interesting to hear.
From our perspective:

First offence - no previous sexual offences

Online offence, not contact

4.9% chance of reoffending (Probation stat)

Low number of images (9)

Had 12 months targeted therapy with specialist sex addiction counsellor - ongoing

Completed Safer Lives programme

Psych assessment outlining emotional childhood neglect most likely root of the behaviour

ADHD diagnosis - discovered after arrest

PPU (public protection unit) Officer encouraged by active engagement with support/therapy. Doesn't have any concerns and out of his caseload of 70, my OH is towards the bottom for concern.

However the supervisor has deemed him a serious concern despite not having even found all this out! I suppose now I've written it all down, this is what he will present in his risk assessment. Whether it'll be enough who knows!

SW seems to have a very bizzare, incorrect and very poor understanding of the evidence in his case and didn't grasp the concept of making v's possession. I find it very worrying that these are the people making decisions on peoples lives with so little knowledge of internet offences.

Anyway rant over, Netflix calls! Love to all, thanks for listening as always xxxx


Member since
January 2025

95 posts

Posted Tue January 28, 2025 11:25pmReport post

I'm convinced my person has adhd how did you get it diagnosed.

Where did you find a sex addiction specialist.

Edited Tue January 28, 2025 11:26pm


Member since
April 2024

481 posts

Posted Wed January 29, 2025 11:44amReport post

Hi, in my experience, it's pointless trying to fight SS's. If they've made a decision that they deem our person a risk, no amount of anything will change their minds. I tried to fight them when they said my children 12 and 14 at the time, could have no contact whatsoever with their Dad. No phonecall, no visits, no letters. I couldn't wrap my head around it. When I visited him in prison there were always loads of really young children there but our own children weren't allowed. It was incredibly harmful to my children because my older two, aged 18 and 19 at the time were free to visit etc. His was a first offence and II's "only". I went to see a solicitor about it as I was so angry. She advised me in no uncertain terms to back off or SS's would simply make it even harder. When I asked SS's why my chosen couldn't see him even though he'd never harmed them, I was told he "could be speaking to them in code". I said he was a good man. They said, "clearly not". So I gave up. There was nothing I could do until each of them reached the age of 16 and were then allowed supervised access. The fact that they weren't allowed to have a relationship with their father was every bit as harmful in my opinion as the original issue. I wish you all the very best.

Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

128 posts

Posted Thu January 30, 2025 7:32amReport post

Life is over - he paid for a psych assessment that stated he had ADHD but we've been on a waiting list since last Feb to get his official diagnosis. The psych assessment seems enough to satisfy the courts/probation etc.

The sex addiction counsellor was recommended by our solicitor xxx