Family and Friends Forum

Getting family back together

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June 2019

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Has anyone had experience and time scale of how long it takes to get the family back together.

The advice from solicitor was to wait until my daughter turned 16 and then apply for unsupervised access as all paperwork from social services says they are worried about my daughter being of the same age conversation that my husband had with the under cov r police officer.

Posted Fri December 20, 2019 6:37pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

I think it very much depends on where you live, your SW etc

There is no consistency at all with any of this in way of time scales, sentences and SW involvement

I know that doesn't give you the answer you want but it really is, how long is a piece of string

Take care xx

Posted Sat December 21, 2019 11:48amReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

I may be able to help. It depends where you are, what the sentence was, license conditions etc. It took us 4 years to get back to living together. It's a long process I wont lie. X

Posted Tue December 24, 2019 4:30pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

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Confused??? Why would Anyone want to 'get back together' with a partner whos perved over indecent images of children peodos???? I find it strange as not only should those sickos be locked up but let the inmates give them a good hiding i could NEVER trust my partner to be around children and grandchildren you would always think is he looking at them in a sicko way.....noooo wish people would see sense and think about the innocent children instead if their own lonelyness.

Posted Sat December 28, 2019 11:41pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Inamess, do you think alcoholics and smokers drug addicts etc should be locked up. Many men have got to this point via a porn addiction. These men need help not to be locked up. They are not all peodophiles. I think maybe you need to go on the Lucy Faithful Foundation inform course and gain a little education in the area. 400 arrests are made a week, are you really telling me that all of those men are sexually attracted to men. That is simply not the case.

This is a forum for supporting each other. I understand you maybe hurting just as much as others, but your comments are hurtful to others. We all try and remain non judgemental on here of both the offender and the partners and family involved.


Posted Sun December 29, 2019 12:00amReport post


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June 2019

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* sexually attracted to children.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 12:02amReport post


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March 2019

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Inamess, I can tell you are hurting and upset about what you have found on your partners search history. However, this is a forum for support and advice surrounding the issues that arise from the behaviours of our loved ones. Saying they all need "locked up" and "a hiding" is not helpful. As for thinking about our children and not our own loneliness? If it was that simple we would not be here seeking peer support.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 8:05amReport post


Member since
December 2019

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Dottie i just cant believe people let men like this get away with it oh i will get kicks from poor children whos been violated its a bit different drinking alchohol etc to children being in photos nude to thrill a man .......sick!! Thats like saying its ok to rape etc and get away with it! Well i dont agree with you they wont change!! They have been found out so now come on to 'oh please forgive me i will get councilling' then when all calmed down back to their thrill seeking regardless of a childs age! I dont think this site is for me too many push overs thinking of their own love life instead of getting these men away from children!! Bye bye good luck

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 10:52amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts


I hope you get the help you need too, this forum is about noon judgemental support not slating of other people's decisions

I chose to leave my husband as I couldn't see past what he'd done (plus various other things playing a part) but it doesn't mean I think people who stay are pushovers or weak in any way shape or form

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 11:43amReport post


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November 2019

501 posts

Inamess, I'm sorry to say, it seems like you are turning a blind eye to your partners behaviour to suit your own convenience. Why haven't you already called the police and got him arrested as you say you feel so strongly about it??! I am wondering who you really are. I'm not trusting your story, or your motives for posting. You are not looking for support. So, I agree, this forum doesn't seem the right place to be.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 12:25pmReport post


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November 2019

501 posts

Inamess, in addition to above. If you feel so strongly, why are you allowing your partner to be in society and have contact with children?? Are you supervising his every move?

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 12:28pmReport post


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June 2019

236 posts


You are in a mess, because you are very narrow minded. I would just like to say the record straight. It was me who found my husband's images on his phone, much like you, and it was me and my adult children who notified the police. So before you judge you should always know the full story.

I remain to support my husband getting the help he needs for his addiction. I am no push over or blind to those child victims, but I do have empathy and the world is a better place for that than hate. I am not the one that is staying while I gather enough money to report we did it straight away.

Finally I hope you and your husband get the support you require, it's a shame you are unable to give others that.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 1:02pmReport post


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September 2019

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I'm going to give you the benefit of your mistaken misjudgements down to the shock of finding indecent images on your partners phone.

However staying with someone for financial reasons and not love is inexcusable and then to berate others on this site quite frankly... disgusting behaviour.

I suggest you watch Brain.. Heart and World. There is ample evidence of men and women being addicted to porn... It desensitises men who then need to find / see more dangerous material to feed their cravings.

Society has opened pandoras box with the internet... social media and chat groups. I believe in a few years the law will be changed to reflect this and those distributing this filth will be prevented from allowing it onto any device.

At the moment money rules... but it can't be healthy to allow children... teenagers to view this material and not accept the consequences.

I hope you get the help you need.... Because help is definitely what you should be seeking.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 2:01pmReport post


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June 2019

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I didn't realise my post would cause so much controversy especially when people have no idea of the circumstances.

Sally Blue I would welcome your advice from your own experiences as like everyone says this is a site that should be used for support.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 7:35pmReport post


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June 2019

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Thank you Lee. No charge decision has been made yet and it's been delayed by the police officer not sending off paperwork. I believe it's about a 3 month wait so expecting a decision around February time.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 8:09pmReport post


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March 2019

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Unhappy, it is a long wait but the time will come when you can start to plan your life again. Ar the moment things will feel like they are on hold. You will get there though and I will help you in every way that I can.

With SW, the best way at the moment is to follow their rules. Prove you are putting your childrens safety at the top of your list. They will try and poke holes in everything. Dont let them. It's so difficult at the start but I am proof it can work out. X

Posted Tue December 31, 2019 12:21amReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Good morning all,

It is positive to see that this forum has become a place for many of you to receive emotional support and practical advice from others in similar situations to yourselves.

We would like to take this opportunity to clarify that this forum has been designed to be a safe space where families and friends of individuals who have been accessing indecent images of children can share their experiences and receive relevant advice where needed, in a non-judgemental environment. We kindly ask forum members to be understanding of the fact that having a partner or a loved one in this type of situation can be extremely difficult to cope with and that it can sometimes evoke mixed emotions towards the individual that has engaged with these behaviours. We understand that everyone deals with these kinds of situations differently and we ask members of this forum to please be sensitive to other people’s situations.

If you would like to discuss such issues further or would like someone to talk to about your situation, please do not hesitate to phone the Stop it Now! Helpline on 0808 1000 900 where you will be able to speak with one of our trained helpline operators.

Thank you.

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 11:45amReport post

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