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My OH got a letter from his lawyer and it states
"procurator fiscal offer to resolve"
The lawyer is calling him on Monday to discuss. Does anyone have any ideas?
"procurator fiscal offer to resolve"
The lawyer is calling him on Monday to discuss. Does anyone have any ideas?
Are you in Scotland?
a Procurator Fiscal is the public prosecutor responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.
A "Procurator Fiscal offer to resolve" generally means that instead of taking a case to court, the Procurator Fiscal (PF) is offering an alternative way to settle the matter. This could include:
A Fiscal Fine – A financial penalty instead of prosecution.A Compensation Offer – Payment to a victim.A Work Order – Community service as an alternative to court.A Warning – A formal warning that is recorded but does not result in prosecution.
If your person accepts the offer, they avoid court, and the case is resolved. If they refuse, the PF may proceed with prosecution.
a Procurator Fiscal is the public prosecutor responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.
A "Procurator Fiscal offer to resolve" generally means that instead of taking a case to court, the Procurator Fiscal (PF) is offering an alternative way to settle the matter. This could include:
A Fiscal Fine – A financial penalty instead of prosecution.A Compensation Offer – Payment to a victim.A Work Order – Community service as an alternative to court.A Warning – A formal warning that is recorded but does not result in prosecution.
If your person accepts the offer, they avoid court, and the case is resolved. If they refuse, the PF may proceed with prosecution.
yes I'm in Scotland. What confused me is the last part of the letter
“If we wish to resolve the matter, it is better that that is done sooner rather than later. That is in order to preserve your discount"
yes I'm in Scotland. What confused me is the last part of the letter
“If we wish to resolve the matter, it is better that that is done sooner rather than later. That is in order to preserve your discount"
That line in the letter likely refers to the sentence discount you can get for resolving the matter early.
Basically, if you accept the Procurator Fiscal's offer now, you avoid prosecution and could get a lesser penalty than if the case went to court. If it does go to court, pleading guilty early can reduce the sentence (like a lower fine or shorter penalty), but the longer you wait, the smaller that discount becomes.
Basically, if you accept the Procurator Fiscal's offer now, you avoid prosecution and could get a lesser penalty than if the case went to court. If it does go to court, pleading guilty early can reduce the sentence (like a lower fine or shorter penalty), but the longer you wait, the smaller that discount becomes.
Aahhh ok. Thank you. He got the letter yesterday but the lawyer was in court and can't speak to him until Monday afternoon. Hopefully it doesn't delay whatever is coming. Won't lie, absolutely terrified
Hi worried and confused , was just wondering how your partner got on with his lawyer today , we're u able to resolve it without it going to court ? ..sending a hug
Hiya. Thank you for reaching out.
They want him to plead guilty. He reckons that if my person pleads guilty he will get a community payback order or intervention by CJSW. I feel sick to be honest
They want him to plead guilty. He reckons that if my person pleads guilty he will get a community payback order or intervention by CJSW. I feel sick to be honest
same happened to my young family member and then he wanted to change his plea to not guilty the lawyer basically scared the crap out him by repeating there would be a jury and how he's pushed for his case to be taken early because of his mental health etc etc , he got a tag which automatically comes with 5 year on the SOR , he got social work intervention for himself but that's nearly over so all he has now is 4 years left on the register which we just hope the next 4 years sail by xx
Hi Sadso, if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by tag that comes automatically with 5 years on the SOR?
Is it an ankle monitor? Does it mean that every registered sex offender wears one?
Thank you
Is it an ankle monitor? Does it mean that every registered sex offender wears one?
Thank you
sorry yes it's a monitor and no not everyone on the SOR will get one it was an alternative to community service because of his social anxiety's the social Worker thought it be best option other than community pay back order, to which my young family member didn't ask for he would have done a community payback order but I was informed if you do get an ankle monitor it's automatically a 5 year on the SOR so if he did get a community payback he could have gotten less time on the SOR