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We are four years post-knock and two years post-sentencing (probation and 5 years SOR); my son has done incredibly well at rebuilding his life. He completed his degree, got a Masters and has just started a PhD. He's moved to a new area for the PhD and did the necessary police transfer; someone from his new area has called today to introduce himself but then expressed surprise that my son hadn't had to disclose to the university. He had to fill in several application forms, which he did truthfully, so surely it's up to the university to ask the appropriate questions? I can't see that there's any requirement for my son to tell them something they haven't asked. This chap is going to call the university (not mentioning my son's name) to ask what their policy is. We're now terrified that this will jeopardise his role.
All thoughts/advice welcome!
All thoughts/advice welcome!
I don't understand why he would have to disclose to the university. University is adult education so no contact with any minors unless he's doing a course that requires him to interact with under 18s which he'd need a dbs for. My son had to have a dbs for uni because of his chosen course that requires him to do placement in healthcare facilities xxx
Thank you, Distressed and Pregnant - my thoughts too. I looked on Unlock and the same thing is echoed there so fingers crossed xx