Family and Friends Forum

Punishment while Waiting Worse

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Member since
January 2025

92 posts

Posted Wed February 5, 2025 5:41pmReport post

I keep reading that once people are actually convicted they can usually go back home.

I feel like by that time they and their families have already suffered worse punishments than are dished out by the judge.

The punishments by society are awful.

I feel like you get less punishment for the vast majority of crimes than IIOC even if that is purely accidental due to porn addiction. How can that be fair.

Us families are punished for ever really unless we abandon them. How can that be fair.


Member since
December 2020

148 posts

Posted Wed February 5, 2025 8:11pmReport post

It's not fair none if it is. The fact the police are protecting this fake child but throwing my children to the wolves makes me sick.


Member since
January 2025

92 posts

Posted Wed February 5, 2025 8:22pmReport post

Why isn't anyone doing anything it is so wrong. The people actually taking the photos are walking the streets happy as Larry.


Member since
April 2023

508 posts

Posted Thu February 6, 2025 7:17amReport post

I totally agree, lifeisover. We have just passed the 2 years mark and still not gone to CPS, at least we assume not as the OIC said before Christmas that she'd let the social worker for our son's children know and the SW is annoyed as she's not heard a thing and the OIC is ignoring her calls and emails!

If this had been handled in a timely manner then our son would quite likely have completed his sentence and had a year of the SOR ticked off. Instead of which we've had a horrible 2 years waiting and being ignored by the police with life on hold. The police know that because of the heinous nature of these offences people keep it hidden for their own safety and daren't make a fuss for fear of drawing attention to themselves so that makes the police unafraid of how they treat them. The irony is that for 2 years our son has walked the streets and if he was a predator of children goodness knows what harm he could have done in that time. Plus his own children have suffered emotionally but never mind them as they are obviously expendable.


Member since
January 2025

92 posts

Posted Thu February 6, 2025 7:43amReport post

I don't understand why LFF aren't shouting more about it and other charity's etc. They know they aren't predators really or they'd have them on remand.


Member since
November 2024

28 posts

Posted Thu February 6, 2025 8:39amReport post


You have hit the nail on the head - we have struggled this past few months with the severity of what we face but yet my son is free to roam the streets willy nilly until they have time and availability to convict him. I appreciate there are back logs but our lives remain frozen and lived in fear of the unknown, this has massive impact not just on my son but our entire household. I wish at time of 'knock' he could of been put on the sor/spho at least it would mean his timeline would be correct (if he is to receive 10 years on the registers then it should be 10 years from the knock not a further 2,3,or 4 years down the line when get convicted essentially making it 12,13 or 14 years) plus being put on the register would show the general public that the justice system is doing everything they can't to protect all them innocent victims - such a terribly shitty world we are living in right now x x


Member since
September 2024

15 posts

Posted Fri February 7, 2025 4:59pmReport post

I am struggling with this too. My partner was charged and sentenced for possession of IIOC more than 5 years after his arrest and almost 6 since the offences. He was then given a 5 year SHPO several months after being sentenced. By the time his SHPO is discharged it will be almost 11 years since he was arrested, and even longer since his offending. There is no suggestion he has offended since his initial arrest.

I abhor what he did (the offence was before we met - I could not still be with him if it had been during our relationship) and absolutely believe he should be punished. But this feels so deeply unfair. The impact on his mental and physical health of being under investigation for 5 years has been significant - and yet he is only half way through, this time under additional restrictions, as if he is suddenly now more of a risk than he was for the past 5 years. And of course it has an impact on me, too. I am trying to be strong for him, but it's hard.

Edited Fri February 7, 2025 5:12pm