Family and Friends Forum

Message to Vigilantes and Media

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Tue December 24, 2019 10:16amReport post

If there are people from vigilante groups or the media or Facebook groups that expose people and their families keeping an eye on this forum, as I think there are, this message is for you.

As you enjoy your Christmas with your family, please take time to reflect and to think of ALL the lives you destroy without a second thought. All the families and friends that are living in fear or in hiding, or separated, for months or years, whilst waiting for the investigations into their loved ones to even start let alone finish. We do not get to enjoy our Christmas.

Perhaps you could do a little research on your computers instead of getting your pleasure from others’ misery. Find out why these men and women go on line and do what they do. Look at your family, and just think, it could well impact on you and yours in the future. Would you want their activity to be made public? I personally wouldn’t wish that on anybody. Not even my worst enemy. Everyone deserves privacy to be able to deal with the massive shock we’ve been dealt.

This is going to become an even bigger problem in the future, look at the statistics, read about the profiles of these people. Then reflect on the real meaning of Christmas. Really read the message.

I want no one to have to go through what I’m going through.


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Tue December 24, 2019 5:08pmReport post


Fully agree with your post... I only want to add that the media in our case were only interested in selling copies by totally inaccurate reporting and click bait on their web pages... I absolutely hate the fact the journalist appeared to be more interested in re-enforcing societies fear that every offender was a potential child rapist.


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Wed December 25, 2019 7:06pmReport post

Hi Tabs

I totally agree with everything you have written here!

I am amazed that these absolute thugs are allowed to carry on! It makes my blood boil!
They ruin innocent lives!

I wish they would be closed down, I actually wouldn't be surprised if they are one day, not in the immediate future. They cause so much extra aggro for the police.

I hate hate hate them and what they have done to us.

Anyway sending you very best wishes

Mabel x x x


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Mon December 14, 2020 1:48pmReport post

I'm bumping this to the remains relevant. In case any media and/or vigilantes follow this site.


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Mon December 14, 2020 11:16pmReport post

All very good points Tabs. I would also add that if media do report on such offences why don't they add more details on how people can get help. Also Vigilante groups from what I have seen do nothing to raise awareness of the triggers and help with prevention. Share the hotline details at least.