Family and Friends Forum

Oh gosh got to get through today...

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Member since
October 2019

14 posts

Really dreading today. I'm off to supervise contact at the in laws. I really don't want to go but know it's the right thing. Several hours of hyperactive kids, over the top in laws and a husband who no longer talks to me. The mother in law dislikes me and feels everything I've done is wrong and I'm worried how I'm going to cope supervising alone and pretending to be jolly and go through the motions of Christmas when it's all a pretence and fake.

Any advice on how to keep my emotions in check. So worried I'm going to break down during the time.

Posted Thu December 26, 2019 8:21amReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Just focus on the kids enjoying time with their Dad. We are mama bears and can do this. If you need a break, nip to the loo and let it out. You can do this. Thinking of you xx

Posted Thu December 26, 2019 9:50amReport post


Member since
September 2018

80 posts

Hi Sparkle

you will get through it because you have to...for your kids. And because as Partner says we are all Mama bears and we are strong when it comes to our children. I love that you have chosen Sparkle for your username because I suspect that there’s an inner sparkle in you which nobody can extinguish . In laws , husbands one. Go there with your head held high. And report back tomorrow because we will be thinking of you and want to know how it goes.

Love Paula xx

Posted Thu December 26, 2019 9:58amReport post


Member since
September 2018

80 posts

By the way if you need to contact I’m on Mumsnet Sunny 576.xx

Posted Thu December 26, 2019 10:07amReport post


Member since
October 2019

14 posts

Thanks for your kind replies. You are all right only doing this for my kids as it's the last place I want to be but I know it's the right thing to do. Just need to rise above the judgement and unkind remarks. Thank you all.

Posted Thu December 26, 2019 10:32amReport post

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