Family and Friends Forum

Do I need to get a solicitor yet?.

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Member since
February 2025

1 post

It's been almost two weeks since the knock on our door, our lives turned upside down, such a mixture of emotions, and now feel nothing will ever be the same.

My oh is waiting for the next step, his phone removed as evidence, to be looked through, and a few things from our home.

Have told very little people, as just don't know how they will react. But it's so hard to have to keep telling little white lies, when I feel I want to run away from it all, and it's all a bad dream.

I use to feel I am a strong person, already had so much bad luck in my life, daughters miscarriage, cancer, affair, but this makes me feel, that was easy compared to this.

We have had several counselling conversations, but due to nature of the crime committed, he can't see our grandchildren, no contact at all.

Now to be told that this could go on for as long as 18 months, do we need a solicitor? and it needs to be one that specialises in so.

Please tell me that is light at the end of a very long tunnel.

Posted Fri February 14, 2025 9:20amReport post


Member since
December 2023

119 posts

hi , sorry your here , but you will get support from.this group,, my young person got a lawyer the day after arrest, so he had one from thr beginning before we even new what was on the phone , we felt that was the best way to deal with it if a lawyer was in it from the beginning

Posted Fri February 14, 2025 11:03amReport post


Member since
August 2023

42 posts

Hi 2Distressed. So sorry that you are experiencing this. It was the worse experience of my life, nothing else compares.

In terms of sourcing a solicitor, it was one of my own dilemmas, when do you start looking. My ex didn't have a duty solicitor on the day of interview, his choice. It wasn't until a few months later that I started to call specialist ones. The main message back was no need to instruct one until charges are brought. They have nothing to work with until that time, aoparently.

Take care x

Posted Fri February 14, 2025 11:18am
Edited Fri February 14, 2025 11:18amReport post


Member since
March 2022

454 posts

Most solicitors will say they cannot do anything until the person is charged. Some others claim they can speak to the police much earlier than this and negotiate to maybe get charges dropped.

I suppose it all depends on what is found on the device. Right now it is too early as they are still being examined.

But if the person is called in for a second interview, that is probably the best time to contact a solicitor. He will need one for the interview anyway and then after that they will advise on what his options are.

Posted Fri February 14, 2025 11:28amReport post


Member since
April 2023

514 posts

Our son found a solicitor quite early but that was mainly as he has an OIC who throws around threats which are clearly nothing more than hot air, and lies about things, all of which was an extra stress on all of us. We now feel that there is a buffer between us and the OIC. But it's been a lot of money for not much action on the solicitor's part because there has been very little progress in 2 years and perhaps our son could have saved himself the money. But I see it as an insurance - you may never have a house fire or burglary but is it worth not being insured just in case? The firm promise to liaise with the powers that be right up to the plea hearing which they will attend plus attend a second interview but any more input needs an extra payment so he is anticipating another rather big bill for crown court sentencing. It just isn't worth risking it, in our opinion. We would rather realise that he could have saved himself some money than kick ourselves for not doing it at a later date but we are fortunate that our son had some savings.

Posted Fri February 14, 2025 5:00pmReport post

Numb and scared

Member since
May 2023

33 posts

Hi 2 distressed. We are 20 months into this journey. Sentencing is next week. We're in a similar situation as we have grandchildren. We found a Solicitor about six months after The Knock. The help and advice preparing for each stage of the journey has been invaluable. We are using a specialist solicitor (it's taken all our savings) and have every confidence in him. This is an awful journey. Everyone on this forum shares your pain and distress.

Posted Fri February 14, 2025 11:45pmReport post

Quick exit