Family and Friends Forum

Why does the law allow such sites like Bing to allow men to download nude images???

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Member since
December 2019

4 posts

Im FURIOUS silently for now until i can move out of my partners house im stuck in a rut cant move out yet need to sort a deposit etc out.....then...i can get the police to arrest him! I have not found actual child porn at all (if i had he would be locked up now regardless) but i checked his phone as i could tell he was acting differently bit odd shady so my gutt instinct told me to have a peek at his phone history when he fell asleep.

I sawvhis last images many pages from a website called Bing images - nudes and then foreign words im not sure but when i clicked onto the list of images they were of nude children!!! Not porn but still indecent photos of those innocent children being shown by sickos downloading them for other sickos to look at....ffs its too weird gor me to understand!! Those 'photos' must have been taken by the childrens parent or other trusted family member or stepdad etc those children have not been given ant respect or right to be put onto a website like bing then let anybody like my (now ex) partner search on??? Why is this allowed?? I feel sickened and so sad for those children. Im so angry hurt and let down as i have grandchildren so now i cant trust him i serioysly want to knock him out i cant look at him and he knows something is wrong. Trouble is i tried to find the link again on his phone to forward to police but hes removed it! What can i do? Thank you for reading please help if you can.

Posted Sat December 28, 2019 11:32pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

The best thing you can do is explain to him what you have found and give him the Lucy Faithful Foundation information so that he can seek help for his behaviour.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 12:16amReport post


Member since
December 2019

4 posts

Thank you Dottie but i really dont believe such behaviour can be helped its the way 'they' are thats how they get their kicks sorry i feel men like this need to be locked up and let loose to the families whos children have been indecently exposed to the (weirdo) world children who have been exploited to satisfy a mans cheap thrills.....gross i just wish they could all be put in one big pit to rot.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 10:40amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Inamess, would you feel the same if it was one of your children or grandchildren who was arrested for looking at illegal images, could have been a mistake, sent to them by someone else, or as a result of porn addiction, or curiosity. Some people who view these images are dangerous but not all. But regardless, shouldn't we treat every criminal fairly and believe in our justice system. Innocent until proven guilty, and then believe in rehabilitation.
i am sorry you have been so upset by your partner, only you can make a decision about your relationship. But this situation has taught me not to judge others and certainly not to hurt them more than they already are. You have joined us all in this hell that we find ourselves in, and we all try our best to support each other. Please respect us and our feelings.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 10:50amReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hi inamess...

Sorry to read you are in this situation and part of this unwanted club. Your partner needs to be told that he has certainly committed a criminal offence. Of the 3 categories regarding child porn A, B, and C the images he has looked at and downloaded/shared are B and C. Category B are images of naked children in sexual poses and category C are any images which don't fall into this list but are usually children semi naked...etc.

I would encourage you to tell him to contact stop it now as others have advised. He's already in a dark slippery slope and the consequences of being arrested in the future very high. If this happens its life changing.

Take care and best wishes...

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 10:56amReport post


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December 2018

450 posts


I suppose I have to play devils advocate a little and ask, if you are so anti this kind of behaviour, why are your still there?

I do understand finance concerns but surely for someone who is so vocal in your disgust you need to move out and contact the police so your partner can get help and yes, the very vast majority need Anna accept help and can rebuild their lives

In a lot of cases it's about addiction, in the same way people can be addicted to drink or smoking, they need help and support not treated like outcasts

I hope you can find peace in your life as this is an awful thing for any of us to go through

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 11:39amReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


I'm going to give you the benefit of your mistaken misjudgements down to the shock of finding indecent images on your partners phone.

However staying with someone for financial reasons and not love is inexcusable and then to berate others on this site quite frankly... disgusting behaviour.

I suggest you watch Brain.. Heart and World. There is ample evidence of men and women being addicted to porn... It desensitises men who then need to find / see more dangerous material to feed their cravings.

Society has opened pandoras box with the internet... social media and chat groups. I believe in a few years the law will be changed to reflect this and those distributing this filth will be prevented from allowing it onto any device.

At the moment money rules... but it can't be healthy to allow children... teenagers to view this material and not accept the consequences.

I hope you get the help you need.... Because help is definitely what you should be seeking.

Posted Sun December 29, 2019 2:21pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

14 posts

Hi inamess

i just felt the need to respond to your post, I don't actually know what resolution you are looking for by posting, are you looking for anyone to join you in your disgust of these men and agree to them being put in a pit and left to die, there are many reasons why men get involved with this crime and demonising them will not help the problem which is growing exponentially, if you are looking for like minded to views to echo your own I suggest you go to Facebook and join some of the abhorrent groups on there, otherwise please get your partner to contact the helpline and try to get help, as that is why these organisations have been set up, I am in no way condoning this behaviour but most of these men need help to realise their offending behaviours and the impact it has on everyone involved


Posted Sun December 29, 2019 3:48pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Hi Inamess,

I am sorry to hear that you are struggling and I understand this is a very difficult situation to cope with. It is positive to see that you have found this forum and I hope that it has provided you with some help and support.

We can appreciate that coming to terms with a situation like this can evoke feelings of anger and can raise many questions. We understand that for some people, distancing oneself from the person that has been involved with such offences can be the correct decision. Regardless of your decision to remain or leave a relationship, it is still important to seek support to come to terms with what has happened and gain a better understanding of your partner or ex-partner’s offending behaviour.

I would encourage you to phone the Stop it Now! helpline (0808 1000 900) where you can discuss your situation further with one of our trained helpline operators and receive support and answers to any further questions you may have.

Thank you.

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 11:43amReport post


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Hi I just wanted to let you know that often when looking in history if the link up in a foreign language or as random numbers and letters it is most likely a pop up which can come up when viewing normal porn or anything else for that matter, he may not have gone looking for it, I would sit down and calmly have a conversation with him before posting all o er the internet. If you don't feel you can trust your partner and need to check his phone that is another matter entirely. Good luck in whatever you decide. The internet can be a very dangerous place.

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 1:40pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Some wise replies to the OP here. I only wish I could have found evidence of iioc on my partner's laptop BEFORE the Knock. I could have helped him get some help before the devastation and avoid so many of the horrible consequences and fall out of the knock.

But the original question remains - why is this pornography so freely available with no law to stop it? Internet porn snared my husband so easily - and I understand the effects on the brain now, more than I did in my glorious innocence pre-knock. Is the internet completely unregulatable? (not sure if the latter is a real world - but you get my gist). It's such poisonous stuff!

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 3:35pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

And 'inamess' - I have to add, if you go read the research and watch those videos 'The Brain', 'The Heart' and 'the World' you will see, sadly, that it is not just 'men' who download nude images, it's women - and children- too.

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 3:37pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

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Just to note, be very careful, the law is rather inflexible in this area. Looking on someones phone, and unexpectedly coming across illegal images is one thing. You have a good defence, that you weren't purposely looking for such content. But doing it again, and purposely opening links and images on a device where you have already seen such content, and expect to see it - that is a different matter. Like it or not, if the images are illegal, you are very likely to be committing an offence, and you open yourself up to investigation. As others said get advice from the helpline.

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 3:44pmReport post

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