Family and Friends Forum

Been burying my head in the sand

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Member since
December 2023

6 posts

Posted Fri February 21, 2025 9:32amReport post

I posted on another part about potential costs of a solicitor as my person is an adult son who is in full time employment

It's all getting very real now as I think I've been burying my head in the sand and hoping it would all go away.

He was arrested following an online chat with an underage person ( who turned out to be an undercover police officer)

Subsequently they found images on devices, which were part of a 'torrent?' he hasn't told me what category they are.

He currently has the normal bail conditions about no unsupervised contact with under 18's, which is not an issue as there are no children in the family.

He has magistrates soon and will plead guilty. What is the likelihood that he would keep his job? Assuming he doesn't get a custodial sentence of course.

The industry he works in means that most people he comes into contact with are university graduates therefore over 21, and his employer is aware that there are charges pending.

They took 5 old phones, and many old laptops, none of which had anything on them, but no indication of whether they will be returned.

I've got so many questions. Maybe it's easier because it's my son; it would be harder if it was a partner I think.


Member since
April 2024

479 posts

Posted Fri February 21, 2025 9:44amReport post

Hi, when "we" got the knock, the Police took all our electronics but also my 12 year old sons computer and gaming consoles. They even took the router. We never got any of it back. Thousands of pounds worth of equipment gone along with ALL my family photos. Regarding your sons job, it probably comes down to what's in the contract as to whether he has to disclose. There's the press to consider too, his employer could find out that way. But there's no way of knowing on that one. My ex husband was sent to prison for IIOC and sharing the images. He was sent to prison for 3 years, first offence. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. X


Member since
October 2023

285 posts

Posted Fri February 21, 2025 12:20pmReport post

Hi there

I know what you mean about burying your head in the sand. My person was my other half. We are separated now but I'm still in contact and giving him moral support. We're 18 months since arrest. Done magistrates and probation pre sentence report. I wouldn't say I forget about it but I can go to work and home etc living a seemingly normal existence. When the next stage comes things are brought to the fore again and the stress is dreadful. A suspended sentence has been recommended by his probation officer but I know this doesn't have to be taken notice of so the next thing is to prepare a bag in case it's a custodial sentence. Know that there's people here to support you and know how you are feeling xx


Member since
September 2023

859 posts

Posted Fri February 21, 2025 5:50pmReport post

I too am here because of my adult son and also had those worries about my son losing his job. Sadly he did lose his job. At the time it felt like he'd finally hit rock bottom. He had nothing left to lose and all my fears had come true. 16 months later and he's a changed person. He's got no material assets but his outlook on life has changed and he wants for very little. He now has time to put his children first and any work he does is around them. His life is far simpler but he's content. He accepts his punishment and restrictions and is doing everything he can to gain self awareness and ensure he makes better decisions in the future.

What I'm trying to say is that you are not alone in your anxieties but things have a way of working out. You've got a tough few months ahead of you but once sentencing is over you'll know what you're dealing with and the worries of 'what if' will start to reduce.