Family and Friends Forum

Where will it end

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Member since
November 2019

2 posts

We had the knock a number of months ago, somehow a vigilante group got my husbands phone number and tricked him into giving our address by saying they were from Royal Mail and had a parcel to deliver to him!!

I was so shocked when they knocked and ask to speak to him about his internet activity (talking to a young girl online although a decoy)and i also feel so guilty as i let him go and speak to them and so the nightmare began.

For 1.1/2 hours the three vigilantes cornered him in our road throwing accusations at him which he did confirm were true, then the police arrived and searched our property for approx 2 hours and took away him and also his electronic devices.

The police came to see me the next morning and advised me not to say anything to anyone as they felt sure only a few people had witnessed his arrest, little did we know that it had been streamed live on facebook and had thousands of views.

He lost his job immediately and i had to face my work colleagues which wasn't at all easy. I can honestly say that neither have received very much support from people/family that have known us for years (probably about 5 people in total)

We are together but living apart and even though we are still waiting to hear from the police about his devices, when we get a decision it not as though anything will change peoples minds about us.

I have read some many people's comments on this website and it helps so much that i am not the only one living this nightmare

Posted Mon December 30, 2019 3:55pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Maddie19, I'm so sorry. Your situation sounds like mine, except husband went to meet 'young teen' , which was actually a decoy. Corner by vigilantes from various groups, live-streamed. Hit my village within hours. He lost his job and had to move away. It's horrendous. I do not know how these vigilantes are allowed to do what they do. Our solicitor, and therapist have said not to trust any of the videos. They prey on people who are vulnerable. In my husbands case, stress and anxiety resulting in mental breakdown. We are now having to self fund therapy, pay for him to live well out of the area. No support as we saved hard for our old age. And these vigilantes are to blame for the financial situation as husband has not been charged as yet. It is an awful place to be.
Have you got good support? How are you doing? I hope Christmas wasn't too bad, I was in a bad place, getting through it now. I haven't seen husband since, although we have spoken often.

I hope that for all of us in this position, something happens soon to expidite these cases, and stop vigilantes from doing what they are doing, which is all about making videos for Facebook, not protecting children. My solicitor said they are often not prepared to even hand over their IT or attend court. That proves the point!!
Take care. This forum is brilliant support. It's a shame it's all the support we have!

Posted Mon December 30, 2019 4:17pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hey sweetheart, it enraged me to think these "vigilantes" can get away with such things. As a wife of an RSO I will never condone offending behaviour but there are police to deal with that. Not these muppets who in my opinion have something to hide themselves.

You are not the only one, look at how many of us are here. Some stay, some seperate and some have no idea what to do yet. You can get through this, it may not feel like it right now but you will. I lost around 90% of my friends through it but those who are truly your friend will stay. Plus you have us, we are all pretty fab x

Posted Mon December 30, 2019 4:41pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi Maddie

so sorry to read your story, it is truly horrific what these waste of space thugs do!

My partner was trapped by a vigilante group as well , tho the one who caught him do not livestream. It was in a town a long way from where we live.

They are disgusting and I cannot believe they are allowed to carry on. It makes my blood boil! They should leave it to the police, who apparently hate these groups!

I too lost a very good friend who I confided in and that taught me to be very careful.

Take one day at a time, that has helped me so much. Also coming on here, there is such more help and support.

We are still waiting for an outcome to his arrest.

I wish you all the very best

Mabel x x

Posted Tue December 31, 2019 8:30amReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

My experience is the same. My husband was confronted at our house with my child asleep in bed. He was also asked for his adresss by a delivery firm, which he refused to give. He was expising them online for what they are - vigilantes hiding behing a child's profile because he believed they hinder true police prosecutions.

My experience is that these people hide bedind Facebook likes. I still feel sick thinking about it. He also liat his job, had to move out and we've had social services input.

I wanted to cimplain about the vigilantes coming to my house. In the 2 hours in took the police to arrive they had knocked on doors around me to notify my neighbours and those clise by who they were and why they were there. The police response "Don't understand what your problem is?".

I don't have an issue with people being arrested and interviewed/charged but I believe the vigilantes should pass the information directly to the police for them to deal with. I feel that the groups act as judge, jury and woukd be happy to be executioner. They ask people to stay away from the family home but the damage has already been done.

I'm sorry if you feel differently to me, it's facing it again that resurfaces all of the fear I experienced that night. Hugs to you all who are living day-by-day with this horrendous situation. Xx

Posted Tue December 31, 2019 10:50amReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

Oh my gosh, sorry for typos! Fat finger syndrome lol x

Posted Tue December 31, 2019 10:52amReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

It was Sept this year. He's no longer on bail, just under investigation. My child is oblivious to what is going on, but obviously misses him because he's not with us, and she can't see him. My boss knows and 2 colleagues who are very supportive. I'm involved in a church and the 3 people who know there are supportive. One "friend" threw venom in my face that he's obviously the worst person on the planet and he's obviously been doing it for years. We no longer speak because I don't need "fair weather friends" in my life. Those who now are true friends and supportive but before I told them I feared the negative response. I'm lucky my support group are who they are.

I'm so angry at the vigilante group, thankfulky my house wasn't targeted but I'm planning to move away this year as people around know what's gone off even if they haven't said it to my face.

I was hoping this woukd be over by Easter but it sounds as though it might not.

With regards the violence - it's interesting that scum think they can take the higher stance and victimise your family, I'm sorry for that. The only good thing about the "decoy" was that they published a note asking people to stay away. I'm fuming that their actions of victimisation, bullying and inciting fear into the families is not punishable in law. The investigating officer told me that they often target people with learning difficulties who are then egged into saying/doing something they don't understand.

Big hugs to you all xx

Posted Tue December 31, 2019 11:42amReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

Yes it was live streamed, horrendous because people showed it to my neighbours who really didn't need to re-live it. Yes he tried to expose vigilante group for what it was so theu responded by pasting his photo as a paedo protector! The group are horrendous, still can't complain about them.

Here's to a better new year to everyone. Xx

Posted Tue December 31, 2019 7:13pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

Meant tp add that they put what they want, said he'd intimidated witnesses when they called him after and wanted to call and speak to me. I've found they put their slant on the whole thing, but then I've also found many "nice" people have never even heard of these $%×"@%. It's social media, it doesn't need to be based on facts and truth!! Xx

Posted Tue December 31, 2019 7:17pmReport post

Quick exit