Family and Friends Forum

A Happy New Year??

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Firstly I'd like to wish everyone on here a Happy New Year. I think we all deserve some happiness going forward, we have to believe that happiness is possible in the future.

New Year is tough for me, as I'm sure it is for most of you. Starting a new year without my husband by my side, no celebrations and excitement of what's to come in the next months. I feel overwhelming sadness. The lovely things we had planned this year have now been cancelled, money is tight and the future unclear and best and very scary.

I can't stop thinking about this new world I find myself in. On-line illegal images. What can we do to shine a light on this horrid world. How can we warn others of the dangers, what can we do to suooort those poor people whose world will come crashing down in the next hours, days, months? How can we help provide the things that were lacking for us? Information, non judgmental support, counselling, ability to help our partners/family members/friends? How can we help anyone when this 'crime' is labelling and groupies with the worst of child crimes? How can we make a difference without putting our heads above the parapet and incurring more hurt and pain from people who are ignorant of the facts.....I guess until someone does, a group of us, nothing will ever change? Perhaps we need to become a faceless nameless team....and make those changes happen. Those vile vigilantes seem to be able to influence Facebook and media, and they are generally faceless nameless year resolution......make life easier for those that WILL follow us. No-one deserves this.

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 8:57amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Please please please could the administrator of this forum make it easier to be able to read what you've written before posting!!!

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 9:15amReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Happy New Year Tabs, although I know it's not, but I hope you can find some happiness in the coming days, months and years. We all deserve happiness.

I feel the same way about needing to help, support and educate others. So far I have been involved in two lots of research, but it's not enough. It is the remaining anonymous that is the biggest draw back. How can we get around this?

Well onward we March, head high ladies, we are strong, so much stronger than we think. Happy New year hug to you all. Xxx

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 10:24amReport post


Member since
July 2019

91 posts


I agree with every word you say. The fact that close to 5,000 families each year are devastated by these issues yet the media and authorities seem oblivious to the emotional and financial pain it causes to partners and children is an outrage. If a family member is arrested for crimes related to drink or drugs I get the impression that generally there is an element of sympathy for the family and friends. However, for us we have to live in fear of exposure and vilification by the wider world. It is this fear that means the situation is at stalemate. The issues of porn addiction etc need more discussion, investigation and understanding but little progress is made whilst all concerned are in hiding!

Also the time delays by police forces just make the situation worse. We are 10 months post knock and not a word from the police since day 1. I try to believe all will be resolved in 2020 but fear I might be sat here on 1 January 2021 without any progress being made. This thought is desparately depressing!

Still, one day at a time.

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 11:14amReport post


Member since
May 2019

59 posts

I completely agree with this post. It is such a taboo subject that everyone has such a strong opinion on (understandable) but makes it difficult for people to educate themselves on how people can get themselves into these situations. As I'm sure not every offender is a bad person, they are good people who have made bad choices and now we all have to live with the impact from their mistakes. I wish everyone a good year, and I hope in time everyone gets the closure they need (it that's even possible). X

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 12:31pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi Tabs

Yes I totally agree with everything you've written here!

Maybe we should start a vigilante group against vigilantes!

I too feel overwhelming sadness today...urgh I dread this coming year as something has to happen after 18 months of hearing nothing!

I just don't know how we can make our situations better, we are on here all supporting each other but it's so frustrating we have no voice in the outside world!

Sending you hugs and best wishes

Mabel xx

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 2:27pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

To everyone on this site best wishes for 2020.

I agree with every comment on this post... We must try and change public... media and social media that not all offenders are paedophiles.

Its been reported in the press by the leading police officer into internet crimes that 6,750 children under 14 committed sex crimes. Only 30 were prosecuted due to the scale of the problem

What's even more horrific is that the youngest was 5 years old... 17 children aged 6 sent naked photos to other children...

Society has got to get a grip of this nightmare... the damage porn... social media and the internet has caused is only just becoming noticeable.

Best wishes to everyone..

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 3:43pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Agreed. Again word for word. My ex is waiting for his world to implode. He's considered suicide. How are people meant to live day to day with this, and the awful implications of the worst case scenario, hanging over them. Vigilante groups are evil. 400 families a week are going through this. The tide needs to turn. It really does. Love to you all. P. X

Posted Wed January 1, 2020 4:57pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Just want to add my NEW YEAR good wishes to you all - and agree - vehemently (that's a good word, innit?) - with every word posted in this thread. I am only one month post knock but feel strongly that there needs to be EDUCATION to help those good folk out there who will enmeshed in this horror unless they are told of the consequences. I wish that MY partner had seen the stop it now stuff BEFORE the knock and could have got help much further back along this path. We need stickers in loos - we need documentaries on telly - we need to shout loud. (or maybe I'll just go back to bed - sigh).

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 2:17pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

12 posts

Hi. Any advice on how you carry on as a mum? Feeling so low. Thanks

Posted Sat January 4, 2020 8:38amReport post

Quick exit