Family and Friends Forum

Bail conditions

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 8:55pmReport post

Hi there.

I am just looking for advice. My husband was arrested for a communication offence not charged aand is still under investigation.

Social services have completed their report however the police are saying they are unwilling to change bail conditions.

The bail conditions given were him to have no face to face contact with our son. Our solicitor has nnow said as the police are refusing to change them that he will now make a request to the court.

Has anyone had luck with this? Our son is sobbing as he can't see his dad properly. Social services know this and are sympathetic however it seems to be the police who are messing us around.

My husband is heartbroken as this is first offence he admitted to the chat but did not agree that he knew he was talking to a 12 year old girl as he has been using the chat room purely for a role-playing thing. There is no other things to be found so police are doing their checks on devices anyway.

I feel so lost with everything now.

Any positive stories/outcomes to do with my sort of situation either bail conditions changed or investigation outcome would be really appreciated.

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Posted Thu January 2, 2020 10:03pmReport post

Hi there

those bail conditions do sound very draconian. Usually if the police impose those then they usually say no unsupervised contact rather than no face to face. Or they say it is up to SS. I don’t remember anyone else on this forum saying they had such extreme bail conditions. Hopefully your solicitor will be able to get this changed and let the court know that supervised contact is safe.

as far as communication offence, I’m afraid I have no experience, but there have been some good news stories on here for people who got NFA. There are also people who got charged and convicted and (after a lot of hard work) managed to live together as a family again with supervised contact.

Perhaps both of you look into the LF courses? These may help both of you ?

good luck x


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Fri January 3, 2020 2:07pmReport post

Hi Notsurewheretogo, I'm so sorry you find yourself in this dreadful position. I don't have children/grandchildren, so can't imagine the additional stress that causes you. I can hardly cope with looking after myself! Keep strong, you have done nothing wrong. The people on this forum are amazing, and there is a lot of information on the threads here, but also people are great at answering specific questions and giving their own personal experiences. So keep coming on here, and reaching out. X