Family and Friends Forum

Explaining my understanding of the offence

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Member since
February 2025

8 posts

I am mid way through my capacity to protect assessment and I have 2 more sessions one being family and support networks and the last one being my understanding and summary of concerns.

i want to write up my summary and understanding of the concerns but I don't want to slip up on my wording and have SS thinking I do not understand the risks and my husbands alleged offence ( he swears on our lives he's never seen the stuff but I must assume he has for my child's safety of course!)

I've written up 3 pages on my understanding on child abuse and signs and how I can protect my son, I asked them how they felt the assessment was going and all I get is they can't tell me or give me false hope on supervising and it depends on what understanding I have at the "summary of concerns " session.

I'm just after some advice from those that have completely the assessment successfully because it seems the slightest thing I say gets twisted and sometimes I can trip on my wording and feel they can take advantage of that.

could someone advise me on the best way to explain that I do understand and are protective of my son please, it's an alleged making images case (cat a,b,c in high number on 2 devices).

what is it they want to hear from me, supervising will change our lives and allow my son a bit more normality he deserves! And I will protect him with my life! I've done courses research all I physically can do while looking after a young baby alone.


Posted Fri March 21, 2025 11:08pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

70 posts

Hey, I haven't really had this asked as I had a protective assessment with a forensic psychologist who deemed me as able to protect.

But I'd say that you need to know exactly what he is being investigated for and show your remorse for those children. Even though it's a non contact offence, it's not a victimless offence and even possessing IIOC creates a 'market' for them. Talk about the impact it must have on those children who have to live with the trauma forever.

I'd say even if the case was NFA or there's underlying reasons for offending behaviour, you understand that there's still a risk there. Like my OH was deemed low risk but that's still a risk.

Also that any harm to a child is never the child's fault and it's never their responsibility to keep themselves safe. There's a difference between being a non- offending parent and a protective parent. The protectors handbook is worth buying and taught me all about this. The forensic psychologist appreciated this.

Talk about how you'd always put the child first and if you were ever suspicious, you'd do something about it. Whether that is talking to your OH, SW or ultimately stopping contact and leaving your OH if you're still with them. I've stayed with my OH and they wanted to know I'm not reliant on him, I have my own support network and savings if I felt I needed to leave for my child's safety x

Posted Sat March 22, 2025 10:32pmReport post


Member since
February 2025

8 posts

Awww thankyou this is amazing , thankyou for responding , think I will do a write up of my understanding and I've already made them aware of my safety circle and those around who can support in an emergency, so hopefully they will see me as protective just seems you can word it slightly wrong and it can be misunderstood and twisted! My son will always be safe and loved :). Just want to make that clear as I can, he comes first always.

Posted Sun March 23, 2025 10:43pmReport post

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