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The newspapers

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Member since
August 2019

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Posted Mon January 6, 2020 11:48amReport post

hi! Sorry it’s a long post.My husband is still living with me and our four children at the moment, I found out a few months ago when the police came to his work and took his phone that he had messaged ‘a minor’ and lots of women during what he says was a breakdown where he wanted people to hate him turns out the minor was a ‘12 year old’ undercover police officer he was encouraging her to touch herself, and sex chat. I’m disgusted and struggling to accept his version of him having adjustment disorder we had a really hideous couple of years with moving house him having stage 3 bowel cancer and 6 months chemo his mum at the same time having bowel cancer then breast cancer and then turns out there’s lynch syndrome, a genetic fault which could be passed onto the children. I tried to stick by him as I understand that all those things will have an impact on him (although I was there living all this too!) there were no images or anything like that, just talk and then he stopped. But someone messaged me to say that he had been messaging sexually to them before and during his cancer so it doesn’t fit in with his ‘breakdown’ but there is no prof of this and hubbys denying it saying he has never met them which is lies we used to do a lot with them. He had his court case on the 20th December, and he’s got rehabilitation fine and community service, plus 5 years on the register. Sexual harm prevention order. I’m terrified of it all coming out we are on the verge of separating, keeping it together for the children at christmas. I’m sorry this is long hope it makes sense I don’t know what to do

I’m panicking and crying and can’t cope with it coming out I live in a village and everybody knows everybody else I work at the school as well.

How long until it may hit the media? If it all I don’t think reporters were there and it hasn’t yet... is there a time frame I’m checking the papers near us online every few hours


Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 12:57pmReport post

Hi Confused Lady,

Sorry to her that you have joined the club none of us want to be in. I would say that if the press haven't published anything by now they are unlikely to. Most cases will be reported within a week of them happening. I understand your anxiety though it is what we all fear the most.
You will get plenty of support on here.


Member since
August 2019

6 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 2:09pmReport post

Thank you for your replies. I’m hoping it doesn’t appear in the papers as the village is small.. also I’m afraid people will turn on me for having their children come round although mostly it’s when Tims not here. But I’m trying to keep things ‘normal’ for them.

my husband was 33 when he had the bowel cancer and 35 now, it’s all happened in such a short space of time, but this woman who’s came out the woodwork we used to be friends and she’s told me all this as I should know, it was actually her daughter (age 23 now, that he’s been messaging for a couple years on and off) but she doesn’t know anything of the other so it’s a massive coincidence that she textes me after 5 years of talking to her that she’s come out with this.. but she has no proof at all. But says he was on plenty of fish and of course I know that he was on that kik app that I had never heard of before my husband was found to be on it.

Ss are involved as my girls are 13, 10, 8 and 6. She’s been really nice and she says I’m the protecting factor and after talking to the girls are confident that nothing is going on with them.

the probation person is coming over this week to talk to Tom I guess that’s the rules that he has to follow. Thank you for your replies.


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 2:42pmReport post

Hi confused... Sorry your part of this unwanted club.

The press in my partners case simply exaggerated the evidence I heard in court to make there newspaper headline more horrific and frightening than it really was.

My partner was convicted of 2A, 2B and 1C indecent images. The press used the single photo classed as C which was a photo of 5 teenagers partially undressed to make up the lie he had 10...Not that numbers count as everyone is a child who has been either abused or coerced into posing etc.

It was just depressing for my partner as he had disclosed his charges to my family prior to the court case and the headlines in the press made some believe he had been untruthful with them.

Social media is another horror... The site UK Data Base seems to get gratification from uploading press releases and then encouraging others to share the information over the internet.

I wish you well and truly hope your details remain as confidential as possible...


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 3:47pmReport post

Hi confused lady

our sons case went in the local paper the evening he was convicted. Like others on here have said, the press complexly exaggerated evidence to make it look as bad as possible. Facebook did the rounds with shares and his name was uploaded to uk database. That said, all in all we got off lightly compared to others on here.
if it was not reported in the press within a day or three of conviction it won't be printed now. It's old news by now and nobody is interested. I know everything isa worry for you but I wouldn't worry about the press now at all.
we lived in a small village but we moved before it hit the papers because our sons lawyer told us it would definitely be in the papers. It was the best thing we did because when it did go in the paper nobody sniggered because nobody knew x


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 6:21pmReport post


Couldn't of thought of a better word.... ???? Media whores!!


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 9:18pmReport post

I'm so sorry to read how horrible this is for your daughter... I cannot imagine how you both must feel... My children are all adults which is a god send..

Wishing you all the best now and for the future.


Member since
August 2019

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Posted Mon January 6, 2020 11:31pmReport post

Yes, I’m sorry to read that has happened to all of you, it’s us wives and children that are the biggest victims isn’t it as we didn’t ask for any of this. I hope all our lives can go on to be as normal as they can be, -without hate. X


Member since
January 2020

11 posts

Posted Sat January 18, 2020 7:57pmReport post

Hi can I also ask if the press are likely to find out during the investigation? Or do they just tend to at conviction? My nerves are shot about people finding out as like confused I am thinking of relocating to save the humiliation of it all


Member since
January 2019

18 posts

Posted Tue January 28, 2020 12:41amReport post

Sorry to here this . It so stressful.

I was waiting to hear if my husband was put in the press. I went and sat in the court . The press was there but as soon as the mentioned that he had a son. The press waited for a quiet time then left the court. Nothing was reported. This was 500 plus images.

Hope you are ok x
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