Family and Friends Forum

Will I get my computer back?

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Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Hi all just wondered if anyone had any experience of getting their computers back at the end of all this? One of my old computers, my camera and various other bits of mine were taken when the police raided our home 13 months ago, my husband's now been charged, so presumably they no longer need my things or the tech they found nothing on, but I'm too scared to call and ask about my things as the last time I spoke to the police woman she didn't seemed angry I'd called and bothered her. Will they just contact me to get my stuff or do I have to contact them? My computer had old pictures of my kids on it I stupidly hadn't backed up anywhere as well as numerous academic papers I'd written and a research project is done.

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 12:31pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Stop It Now helped me out with this situation 5 years ago. The police took my phone to check. There was nothing on it. It was my property, I was not under investigation, it was not evidence. Give the police a ring and ask for it back. An officer should deliver it by hand to you and get you to sign a release form. It is scary to call but you can do it. Good luck x

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 12:48pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hi Thistle..

When my partner was arrested police took approximately 41 items for examination... They included laptops... Old, Second Hand, and New. They also took mobile phones, memory cards, USB drives and cameras. After months of waiting only one item was kept by them... This was a reconditioned laptop which had the 4 movie clips showing indecent images. His old laptop was also returned so I believe police will only retain items which contain child abuse and this is destroyed after the court has heard all the evidence and given a verdict.

Best wishes...

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 1:00pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Thistle

We couldn't have anything back until after the sentencing just in case they had to be checked again, they were checked again after one court appearance and the police found 100's more images!!

Once the sentencing had taken place and the judge has decreed what was to be destroyed (all the items with illegal images/videos on them) then the police got in touch and returned me my things and I assume once my ex was out of prison his were returned too


Posted Mon January 6, 2020 6:28pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

By law anything not needed in evidence or has illegal content should be returned once identified as not part of the investigation. We have had letter asking to collect 2 items stating the other items have not been looked at yet, different department apparently. However once again all areas being different he got the letter to collect the items when they knew and is documented one belongs to me. We are still together so not an issue and I didn't fancy going to collect but what if we weren't together they would have just him have my stuff, interesting really.

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 6:37pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi SallyBlue

That is interesting that you mention the police tookmyour phone but you were not under investigation, because the police took the devices, some of which don't actually belong to my partner! It was my iPad, my sons iPad, my mums laptop. Can we ask for these back do you think? tho I think they haven't been looked at yet as police have not asked us for any passwords...18 months on!


mabel x x

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 11:44amReport post


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Thanks for your replies, I guess it's like everything else and carries depending on where you are. I'm moving back to the US though so doubt they'll be hand delivering me anything!

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 2:37pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

It varies, I meant to say!

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 2:41pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Mable, give them a phone and ask for them back. They may say no bit you are not under investigation, they will need to give you a reason for keeping it.

Thistle, with you moving they may get it to you quicker x

Posted Wed January 8, 2020 6:29pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Thank you SallyBlue.

The annoying thing is I did ring and ask but Essex police couldn't tell me anything about the case because of data protection and they said they can only speak to my partner about this, and he won't ring them as he is too terrified and his solicitor has told him not to contact them! Arrghhh! But that is good you got your devices back.

Nothing is ever straight forward in this nightmare!

Thanks again

Mabel x x

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 10:14amReport post


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

My experience of the police removing devices is puzzling. They insisted on taking a camera which I told them in no uncertain terms was mine but seemed to have overlooked similar items in their search which definitely were my husband's as they were amongst his clothes.

This was 10 months ago, I was given no information verbally about any aspect of what was unfolding before me. I was as cooperative as I could be and believe I deserve some answers. I haven't committed any crimes.

I believe a list of removed items might have been left with me but on his return my husband destroyed all paperwork including the search warrants. He is totally unwilling to discuss anything relating to these events which means for me the trauma just continues. I feel I am totally in the dark about everything. Any ideas how to get some information and my property returned?

Thanking you in advance.

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 11:10amReport post

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