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Help with insurance

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Member since
October 2018

33 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 3:25pmReport post

Hi everyone.

I just wanted to post in case anyone else has had or may face a similar issue with house insurance.

Basically I didn't think I needed to tell our insurer about my husband's conviction because he was away in prison i.e. not living at the insured address. Big mistake! When I did tell them (just before his release) they immediatley cancelled cover from inception that year.

After bursting into tears, I tried a few other places but they wouldn't entertain the idea of providing cover to a household with an ex-con. Having no cover wasn't an option because of the mortgage. Eventually I found a broker who could help - Gallagher Insurance. The premium is quite frankly painful but they found us cover without batting an eyelid on the conviction.

Just thought I'd recommend.



Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 6:17pmReport post

Hi to everyone...

Same issue here .. But last year. I was with Tesco, was advised to notify them as had I needed to claim it would have been invalid after my partner was convicted. He was given a suspended sentence.

Tesco cancelled my insurance policy immediately. They could not be reasoned with, I was simply told NO and that they had a brand name to protect.

Anyway found another company.. Home Protect from the Hub. Unlock site... Its twice my original premium but rather be safe than sorry.


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Mon January 6, 2020 6:18pmReport post


Unfortunately another thing people have to bear in mind if convicted, does seem rather unfair but there are also holiday destinations both in this country and abroad that won't allow convicted sex offenders to go!

Very sad and again the whole family is being punished!



Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 1:07amReport post

I had exactly the same problem with house insurance, as per my insurance t&c I contacted them within 30 days and they immediately cancelled my insurance. Most of the usual insurance companies basically won't touch anyone who is outside of the norm as they offer cheap insurance for the majority of people. Just like if you live in a flood risk you won't be able to get insurance from the usual places. I ended up going to Home Protect who will cover those with convictions. There's actually a few companies that do cover but like you suddenly being left with no insurance I didn't have time or energy to deal with getting lots of quotes. Plus the person I spoke to on the phone was amazing, they needed to know some basic details of the conviction in order for the risk assessor to do a quote and he didn't bat an eye lid or make me feel like he was passing any judgement over it what so ever.

anyone reading this pre conviction, my recommendation is to get new insurance inplace before you phone your existing company to tell them, that way you aren't left with no insurance and you don't have to declare that you've had insurance cancelled.


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 2:41amReport post

Some insurance companies do not require notice irrelevant convictions. For example car insurance when the offence is not a driving offence. had a page about it with insurance companies that dont ask. Avoid compare the market and money super market. We got insured with the Co-op. Their rates were no different to prior convictions. X


Member since
December 2018

39 posts

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 4:11pmReport post

Thank you for the tip on this one, court date is coming up soon I hope, so will follow advice on sorting insurance before hand. If they cancel does it flag up, ie when you get asked has your insurance ever been declined or cancelled? Is it worth sorting new insurance then cancelling old one ourselves without giving a reason? Home insurance, car insurance, mortgage, life insurance, etc etc, my head hurts already. I’ve also started to look at holidays and looks like a need to start a list of who doesn’t accept anyone on SOR before considering going anywhere post conviction.


Member since
October 2018

33 posts

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 4:40pmReport post

Car insurance is easier because many insurers are only bothered about driving offences. I switched ours without issue.

In respect of personal insurance like life plans, a conviction probably won't make a difference (my husband kept his without needing to declare) but you are always best reading the terms & conditions.



Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 6:22pmReport post

Hi re holidays post conviction America, Canada and Australia etc of not possible using the tourist ESTA application. You can risk being economical with the truth but if the UK notify the country you are visiting... Called a green notice when your partners passport is scanned then expect to get stopped and sent back.

Green notices are issued by UK Police depending on the seriousness of the sexual conviction and the risk they consider for any reoffending.

After your partners criminal conviction is spent usually 5,7, or 10 years you can apply for a visa to visit the countries stated above. The problem with this is the expense, its not cheap, you will need documents from the UK Police and a personal visit to the embassy of the country you are considering.

Your partner will be interviewed, decisions are rarely made there and then and usually take up to 6 months before a decision is made... Its advisable not to Pre book until you have the visa.

Best wishes