Family and Friends Forum

How to recover after loosing mom?

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Member since
January 2020

1 post

Posted Tue January 7, 2020 11:06amReport post

Our Mother, Wife, Grandmother, recently passed on January 2, 2020, from a massive heart attack that shook my whole family. Our father gave CPR to her while waiting for the ambulance and got her to the hospital where they were trying to put stints in her main arteries and stabilize her but ultimately my mother passed on to be with GOD.

She was only 61 years old and she was the greatest mother to walk the earth. She was loving, caring and had so much blind faith in GOD that even I knew I could never reach that level of love and commitment.

The love and support have been so great from the neighbors and social media platforms but there is a loss so deep right now it will never be filled, only bridged over. Please find it in your heart to laugh, love and tell stories about your mom as we will.

Remember to them how they lived and keep their mementos alive through stories. Mothers don’t want their babies to be sad or cry. So it’s alright to cry and feel grief but nobody can take away the love and caring you felt for all those years.

I love all of you and my heart breaks for each one of you who’ve lost a loved one and is suffering through this difficult time. GOD bless you and may your angels watch over you until it’s your time. Need to add some more suggestions please how to recover.

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

528 posts

Posted Wed January 8, 2020 10:15amReport post

Hello Wikijohn

Thank you for your post. I am very sorry to hear that you have lost your mother.

I imagine that this must be an incredibly difficult time for you and I encourage you to look after yourself as best as you can. Whilst I think you have made a positive step in reaching out for help and support, unfortunately you have posted on a forum that supports the family and friends of individuals who have been involved/accused of online sexual offences. This means that the content is not going to be relevant for you, nor will the other users necessarily be able to provide the support you need.

For this reason, I encourage you to contact one of the following UK based organisations who specialise in bereavement:

I hope you are able to find the advice and support you need.
