Family and Friends Forum

HELP! I feel like SS are trying to take me down

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Tuesday this week my husband gets a call from his solicitor saying bail conditions had been lifted and he has been RUI. Which meant my son could come home finally.

Wednesday social services call and say they hadn't been informed and they wanted to do another visit. I tell her over the phone that although no bail conditions in place I am still doing supervised contact with husband and son. Which she said was great to hear.

Today she comes over and basically says about supervised contact. Then says her boss has a lot of questions and concerns regarding the current situation and that could my husband stay somewhere else or someone sleep in my son's room. She said if we all couldn't come to an agreement we would have to go to child conference.

She also said that she had heard very encouraging things from me and she needed to discuss these with her boss tomorrow. Now I'm sitting here in a state of distress not knowing what might happen. Our son has just got used to being at home since staying at grandparents and now it's all up in the air again can they do this?

I'm so broken up about it

Posted Thu January 9, 2020 8:30pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


I can't really give you any advice as my children are all adults... However another poster on this site named Sallyblue is very knowledgeable and recommends getting an Advocate to sit with you and assist during SS meetings...

Can I also suggest you research other peoples posts regarding intrusive and draconian inputs by SS as some have eventually had very positive outcomes...

Best wishes...

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 8:18pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hello, just checking in. Have you heard back from social work regarding this yer?

Posted Sun January 12, 2020 11:42amReport post

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