Family and Friends Forum

The worst has happened

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Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 10:03amReport post

I had a risk assessment to assess whether I'm a protective parent on Wednesday, I thought the meeting was Thursday and had my social worker calling after I was half hour late, after a mad rush and 45 minutes later I arrived. In that same evening I also had an appointment at the hospital to see if a lump in my neck was high risk cancerous, I've also had a lot of money issues due to being on maternity leave and there being a 12 week back logue to claim, I've just been told my employer should've been paying it and I now need to wait longer, I've also found out that I am pregnant with me and partners 2nd baby, I've chosen not to continue with the pregnancy because of the complete mess everything is with him being on SOR, i rang my social worker yesterday to tell her of the pregnancy and that I wasn't going ahead

Only for her to visit me 1.5 hrs later and say because I didn't notify the social worker of this in the risk assessment they're really concerned and have stripped me of my rights so supervise my baby don and his father, and have told me either grandparents or a social worker have to supervise!

I'm devastated and I don't know what to do about it.

They're decided that they will let me know in 9 days time if I can supervise again after they have all the reports back from the assessment.

I don't agree with the assessment, I had to rush to get there, I had everything on my mind about my hospital appointment and the possibility of having cancer, I had all my money worried and debt and my termination and I don't believe that you can put something through an assessment like that if they don't have a sound mind.

And to take away my right to supervise my son because I didn't say about a pregnancy that isn't continuing seems a bit steep to me. I told her I didn't have to tell her at all in the end as I was getting so frustrated


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 10:09amReport post

Judt wanted to let you know were are here for you and sending a huge hug virtusl hug your way.

I think how you have been treated is truelly awful she should be ashsmed if her self and support should ofbeen given to you at your time of need.

Take care and look after yourself xx


Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 10:18amReport post

Thank you, I read back through and noticed some of doesn't make sense because I was rushing and emotional.

I just don't think it's fair to put someone through such a life changing assessment when they have so much going on and don't have a clear head. I think the assessment should be voided until I have got through the things I need to do before I can think straight again.

I was never asked if I was pregnant in the meeting and if they had asked I would've told them.

I did contact my social worker to tell her it was just two days to late apparently.

To tell me I can't supervise after this is just a massive knock down for me


Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 10:34amReport post

I did know I was pregnant but it was the last thing I was thinking about at the time, all that was going through my head was my hospital appointment, I told her it's not like I've lied to anyone, I ha ent broken any rules, I've done everything they've asked and done everything by the book, I've even done an 8 week sexual hard awareness programme, I still told her about it, i was just waiting for her to visit me to tell her as she had only been back at work for 5 days after having Christmas and New year off, I did get worked up and say I bet you've all been waiting and dreaming of a cock up like this, and her reply was we aim to keep families together.

I have just sent her a texting expressing how I feel and that I believe the assessment shouldn't be taken into account when I was hugely emotional anyway, I've also told her I want to meet with her manager and the lady who did the assessment before the next call group meeting, where I will be told whether I can supervise again. That's in 9 days


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 11:07amReport post

I'm so sorry your going through all this, social services seem to be the boot that comes in to kick us when we are down. I would advice you get a solicitor and an advocate ASAP, I wish I had done these things Sooner.


Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 11:40amReport post

Thank you Lee

Thistle may I have some advice on what a solicitor would do? My partner asked if I wanted his Solicitor he had when he was arrested 4 years ago, but I was unsure on what they could do.

We are received he only has 2 years left on the register and SHPO, he's already served 3 years, we just keep thinking we are over halfway to it all potentially coming to an end, I'm unaware if SS can still have all these restrictions if he's no longer under any rules.


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 1:57pmReport post

So sorry to hear of your situation, breath, calm down and listen up there are certain things you can do:

1. Get yourself an advocate

2. get all your health appointment letters together

3. make an action plan of all your issues in relation to how the social worker has treated you, how you wish them to be resolved

4. Make an appointment to see the social worker's Team Manager to dicuss your concerns as to the handling of your situation

5. go and see your GP for support with your own health

6. Im not sure how old your child is, if under 5 get the health Visitor involved if over 5 then the school nurse who through a health assessment on your child will be able to provide support in clarifying you as a protective factor for him

7. even if you decided to keep your baby there would be a process to determine any risks.

8. If the team manager will not meet with you the escalate it to the Local Safeguarding Board and head of Children Services

i know this may seen like a mountain to climb however with a clear action plan im sure you will be able resolve it with a meeting with the team manager. Good luck we are all here to support you.

sending you a big hug xxx