Family and Friends Forum

Awaiting sentancing cant stop crying

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Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 10:28amReport post

Well the day of crown court has been and gone.

I cant stop crying my emotions are all over again.

My husbands barrister was trying to get the category of the offence down but prosecution would not allow it. If they could if done they were hoping to to try an go for a suspended sentance but thst can not happen now.

They spoke about takibg it to trail but said if he had pleaded guilty to one charge an not the other they eiuld assume he is lieung an guilty of it all as all charges are going off only on what the victim has sed. The solicitor was worried that mentally he wouldnt cope or get through the trail and could be looking at 8year plus. The barrister wasnt comfortable with going guilty on a charge he hasnt done.

When we got into court room my husband pleaded guilty to all charges even tho not guilty of all. He didnt want to put me through a trail either. He is no looking at a starting point of years.

The solicitor said she is absolutely gutted for him that he has already suffered so much an does not deserve what he is guna get.

We now have the wait of going bac for sentancing and trying to find a way to tell our 2 children.

I do not in anyway condone wats has gone on it should of never of happened. But i am standing by him even tho most dont agree with me.

Thank you all for the support to everyone xx

What to do

Member since
November 2019

7 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 12:47pmReport post


I'm so sorry that your situation has played out like this. But please remeber there is still a small bit of hope as sentencing does ultimately depend on the judge. My ex was told he was looking at a custodial sentence beginning starting at 3 years but got a 2 year suspended sentence.

Have probation done a more sentencing report yet? It was that report that ultimately kept my ex out of prison. Not knowing what your partner has done I could only advice as to ring the helpline and ask on their opinion. I do hope that things do not turn out as bad as the barrister says they will.

With telling your children I suppose it depends on how old they are. I cannot give any advice on how to tell them. I asked as and the helpline here for advice in how to tell my children about the fathers crime in an age appropriate way without destroying the image if their dad.

Stay strong is something everyone says and when it comes to waiting for sentencing is the hardest part of this whole process. I hope that you have somebody to help you through the next couple of weeks xx


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Posted Sat January 11, 2020 1:33pmReport post

I really feel for you, but you have to stay positive and as mentioned by someone probation should be doing a pre sentencing report which is really important, i did a letter of support for my hubby and took it with us to the probation interview. My letter of support demonstrated what help/support/courses we had already accessed, personal circumstances at the time, impact on our emotional health and wellbeing, mental health. The probation officer thanked me for bringing it along as it helped him gain a greater understanding of our case and asked if it would be ok to share with the Judge which we agreed to. The barrister had said hubby would get at least 3 years imprisonment, he actually got 10months suspended for 2 years- i believe this was as a result of my supporting letter and the judge acknowledged this at sentencing. I know it is easier said then done but you have to look after your own emotional health and wellbeing then only you will be able to support your hubby and chilldren. Sending you lots of postivity and prayers, please stay strong xxxxx


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 2:32pmReport post

Stardust, I just wanted to send you my love and know that I am praying that they won't be too harsh on him, and that you can remain strong for your children. Xxxx