Family and Friends Forum

Letter to the judge to help

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Member since
November 2019

62 posts

Posted Sun January 12, 2020 10:10pmReport post

Has anyone had to write a letter to the judge to help their family member. In my case it's my husband. I was asked by the solicitor to write a letter stating his support and situation at home to help his case in court. What should I put in it and how to start. I've started one but I'm not sure of the letter I've written so just want a bit of guidance to see if I can get it a little better.


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 10:02amReport post

Hi D

i would ask your solicitor to help you with it, he's a good person to know what you should say in there.

Sending you best wishes in this nightmare


x x


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 6:07pmReport post

Hi, i did a letter of support and took it with me when we had a pre sentencing inview with the probation officer; foloowing interview he had to submit his recommendation on sentencing. The probation officer really appreciated it and asked if it was ok to forward it to the judge with his report. My letter was commended by the judge and i believe it saved my hubby from a custodial sentence.

i included the following in my letter:

1. Personal information like my age, profession, length of marriage

2. I made it explicitly clear that i did not condone or knew of his behaviours, if i had done i would have reported him myself and if he behaved in this manner ever again i would not hesitate to report him. I stated we have never been involved with the police b efore and have always been law abiding

3. Included information regarding how our relationship had been and what good father he has been to our children, his genuine remorse and guilt, explained how his behaviour was very out of character for him

4. Included family circumstance leading up to him accessing illegal stuff (his sister and mother died, he wasnt able to get time off to go their funerals abroad)

5. Included his medical information

6. The support and courses we accessed ( we printed off all the stop it modules and worked through them, we took the file with to court and the judge did retire for 15mins to look at the work)

7. The impact of situation on my own mental and general health

what ever you put in your letter you must be able to evidence, if you are able to get character references they will help immensely especially if it is first offence. Also state you will be very greatful for any/all support in the rehabilitation process to prevent him re offending.

my hubby got 10months suspended, we a hear into the 2yrs and slowly moving on with our lives. My heart goes out to you, wishing you the very best, stay strong and positive xxx


Member since
November 2019

62 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 7:17pmReport post

Hi fair and lovely

Thank you very much for your reply. I have done a letter but I would like some input on it. Are you on Mumsnet or WhatsApp so I could send it to you. If you can not or don't want to do this that's fine I understand just mega scared that he will get sent down.


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 8:06pmReport post

Hi D1286, i am on mumsnet user name supportive123, more than happy to have a look at your letter xxx


Member since
November 2019

62 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 8:44pmReport post

Hi fair and lovely

I've sent over a message for you on Mumsnet.


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 9:20pmReport post

Hi i wrote one last week sokictir said it was great and the barrister now has it to you use at sentancing next month. I am woundering if i should one for probation or not.

I wrote about wanting the judge to know the ither sude to him. Thats hes never been in trouble before about his life our life his children. His health that he has tries so hard to seek help but been unnle to due to ongoing investigations. How his children miss and all the charity work he has done xx


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 9:34pmReport post

D1286 Have sent you a msg on mumsnet


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 9:36pmReport post

Stardust Use the same letter for probation, hopefully they will askif its ok for them to attach to thier report

wishing you all the best xx


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Mon January 13, 2020 10:39pmReport post

I did one for my partner and he had a few friends do the same. It is used to give the judge more background information and a chance to explain how the offender has been before and since 'the Knock'.

The structure (from memory) was:

Info about myself and how I met my partner

What I knew of the case

How he is acted after (in his case he was remorseful) and the workshop he went on and use of Lucy faithful, how he has kept his job and worked hard to keep it despite the stress of the case

Plans for the future if not sent to prison

I was advised not to say why you think they should or should not be sentenced with a prison sentence. That may not help the case.

iI would see if there are other family and friends willing to do a letter also.

Hhope that helps