Family and Friends Forum

Are we now fair game?

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Wed January 15, 2020 10:26pmReport post

Why is it that when someone is under investigation for this crime, people think it is acceptable to throw other accusations at the family. All untrue. I have paid for solicitors advice in order to stop one particularly unpleasant person, but after paying out £600, I have had to call it a day. Even if successful in suing, I could well end up out of pocket, as the other party may well not pay up as they may not be able to afford it! In any event it would cost me an awful lot of money, which I can ill afford, as we are already paying for husband to live away from home due to vigilantes and also pay for therapy and solicitors fees for him. All without a wage as he was immediately sacked!!

This is yet another thing to cope with whilst waiting for the police to get going and putting an end to this nightmare wait. I feel like a sitting duck. Just waiting for more rubbish to come my way. It seems once someone is arrested they are guilty of everything and have no rights anymore. They are no longer treated as humans. How is this right??

Sorry just need to rant, and wonder if anyone else is experiencing this?


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2020 6:28amReport post

Oh Tabs, are you okay?

I haven't to the extent it seems that you have. However, I have had a family member cause me of not protecting my children because I had gone out with a 'paedophile'. My ex hasn't been charged and is under investigation. That cut deep.

P. X


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2020 8:29amReport post

I'm ok thanks Partner. Just angry, upset and confused, like proabably everyone on the forum. Husband was accused of doing something, completely untrue, and the solicitor said that as his reputation was already damaged and he was under investigation it was not worth pursuing!! Why? Innocent until proven guilty I thought. And also this accusation was totally unrelated, but people can say what they want? I am experiencing people tittle tattling and gossiping untruths, but also some serious allegations; I was aware and involved, and also other lies.
It feels like if you are accused of online illegal activity, you are labelled as the worst, and therefore have no right to be treated fairly, and as a spouse, you too are not afforded any respect by some.
I'm seriously considering moving on, but I would lose my support network, and how would I make meaningful friendships if I can't talk about my history.
There are no answers. I guess we just all struggle on and damage our mental health.



Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2020 12:40pmReport post

Hi Tabs

urgh am so sorry to read this, it is just so unfair due to these disgusting horrible vigilantes live steaming, I just wish this was banned!

is this just gossiping or is it written down somewhere? If it is gossip just try and ignore, I know it's much easier said than done, but I know a so called friend who I confided in has told people round where we live so I am just carrying on with my life and not looking any different on the outside even tho I'm feeling a complete wreck inside!

could you move a few miles out of your town or village but still be able to see your support network of friends? I know it a big move but you might feel less stressed a little bit away from these people.
you don't have to tell any potential new friends about what has happened, or just keep yourself to yourself if you move in the beginning.
It is so difficult Tabs, my partner was caught by these thugs and we are still waiting.
Have your tried phoning the helpline about this? They might be able to suggest something to help.

sending big hugs

Mabel x x


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2020 4:53pmReport post

It's easier said than done Tabs but we rise above those causing trouble. To them we are nothing but gossip for them to exaggerate. I moved twice because of it. I had one beighbour call the police almost daily reporting me for neglecting my kids. The police knew after the first call it was malicious but the had to keep checking. Eventually they were told if they kept calling charges coukd be made against them as even though they were anonymous their phone number was not. Then they started phoning the SSPCA saying I was neglecting my animals. They kept having to come out and check until they done the sane as the police, threatened them with charges. It was awful.

When the news story hit the internet and Facebook I was branded a disgusting mother who had to know about it all and was probably encouraging him. Its unreal.

Try keep your head up sweetheart . As the saying goes, dont let the bastards bring you down x


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2020 6:54pmReport post

Thank you Mabel and Sally Blue. Why are people so cruel when they must have an inkling that we are suffering enough already.


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Thu January 16, 2020 8:01pmReport post

Tabs, someone told me when my husband hit the papers "we all have our skeletons but not everyone is unfortunate enough to have them out in public". Those you find that cause the most grief are usually those with something to hide themselves x


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Mon January 20, 2020 1:13pmReport post

Hi Tabs,

HOpe you're feeling a little better now but your heartfelt post struck a chord with me...

Why are people so cruel when they must have an inkling that we are suffering enough already.

Some folk just DON'T think - that's the problem. But be reassured that eventually your news will be 'old news' and those folk will move on to a new scapegoat for their own issues and demons.

I can't help thinking about acts that used to be illegal (and now aren't) - like suicide and homosexuality. It takes SO LONG for society to get enlightened.

And some countries are still way back in the dark ages - thinking of women who are stoned to death in front of crowds like the old Roman Amphitheatres.

I'm feeling maudlin today. Sending love to all you who are suffering through this horrendous situation and all it attracts. XT