Family and Friends Forum

So worried now

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Member since
August 2019

21 posts

Posted Sun January 19, 2020 8:26pmReport post

Hi I'm 8 months post knock and hubby who I've decided to stay with for the time being has had a letter from his solicitor saying the report has now been done and has a meeting with the solicitor next week now I don't know what happens next I only know what he has told me as no one else has told me anything and I have a gut feeling there is more than he's letting on to me about my question is will he get a copy of this report from the solicitors what happens after this we have no court date as of yet I'm so at my wits end with all of this quietness from him he doesn't talk about it to anyone nor me only answers anything I ask to the point then changes the subject he has done at 10 week course with the stop it now group and never spoke of much about this to me either is it just me with my hubby who doesn't want to talk to me or have any of you in the same boat


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Posted Sun January 19, 2020 9:05pmReport post

Hi Vikter

Sadly I don't think your man's silence is unusual. We are almost a year post knock and I am xompletely in the dark as to what he has done. This is despite him saying from day 1 that he was guilty. Some people call this denial. However, I find his lack of communication insulting and frustrating.


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Sun January 19, 2020 9:13pmReport post

Hi Vikter

From my perspective I would be very weary as to why my partner was not being totally open and transparent as to what he has done, seen and deleted.

My partner was totally remorseful and told me everything... warts and all. Even so I still needed to know if what he had said was the truth and nothing but the truth... To satisfy this nagging doubt I asked to see his solicitor on a one to one basis... His solicitor showed me the charges and report from police and also let me read the probation report which highlighted the single number of images, his very low risk status and their r recommendation of a community charge.

The judge decide on a suspended prison sentence but that's his decision.

So my advice is to ask for a meeting... alone so you can freely ask any questions without the presence of your partner by your side.

Best wishes