Family and Friends Forum

Keep fighting.... There's a light at the end!

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Member since
September 2019

20 posts

Posted Tue January 21, 2020 8:12pmReport post

Hi all,

I posted on here a few months ago, my partner had indecent images, we have 1 son together, and I decided to stay with him, and try to help him, he got 5 years on register, 5 years ppu and 3 years probation.

Probation is finished and he has 2 years left of ppu and sor.

Social are involved and we have done assessment for my partner to move back home, he's been home for 2 years now, our son is 4, my partner has completed horizon course, I've done a parent protect assessment.

I fought for my son to have unsupervised with his dad and his risk to re offend is low.

Today we have had confirmation that a new contract is going to be written up that my partner can have unsupervised with our son, as we have gone round in circles so much, social can't keep us on record anymore because we've done all we can!

This is going to be written up at the end of the month, and then they will shut the case down.

They've also stated that if we were to have anymore children then it will either be added to the contract, or it would go to child protection just to ensure safety is in place.

So my advice to everyone fighting for their family, is stick to fighting!!

No matter how stressful it is, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

My partner had indecent images and of course I'm not condoning what he's done, but he has a second chance of doing us right, if he messes up, he will know where the door is.

Be brave everyone!

All my love to you all struggling with different issues, we as partners are treated as victims, but I'm living proof we can come out of it!


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Tue January 21, 2020 9:16pmReport post

It's great to hear c123. We are similar now. Husband is home, social work have CLOSED our case. No restrictions except that of the register. It's such a weight off!


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Tue January 21, 2020 10:51pmReport post

I'm so pleased to read this. When you are at the beginning, in limbo-land, resolution of any kind seems so far off. But I have hope - and this post of yours (and Sallyblue's) is very reassuring. Good on you both!


Member since
September 2019

20 posts

Posted Mon May 25, 2020 10:13pmReport post

Hi all!

So the contract has been written up, and as far as it goes, apart from nothing overnight, we have our happy family!!

Where slightly nervous as it's been a few months and living a normal life I'm still fearful of the community, my partners worked so hard and majority of his customers know about the situation!

Please keep fighting!! No matter how draining, its still hard after, but it gets easier as time go on!

I'm so pleased to have had this group as I don't think I'd ever be able to carry on, feeling like I was the only one who wanted to stay with my partner!

You will all get the happy ever after you deserve!!