Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Posted Tue November 20, 2018 7:48pmReport post

My husband is still on bail for sexual activity. He has having a really rough time with the fact if what he has done an the effect it has had on me an the kids he can not forgive himself an doesn't want to be here. We have been trying to make sure that Xmas is sorted for the kids which is difficult in its self but even harder financially as the house I am in is sold juat waitibg for it to all go through but they can't tell me if it will be before or after Xmas so I'm also lookibg for a rented property to which I financially can't afford the deposit an fees for.

On top if this my husband hit a call from police yesterday saying all parties involved at been notified and that the case had been passed to the cps. I am part of the case they phoned while I was out but did not leave any message and have not tried to phone me today either which I think is wrong. They told him he cud her from them in next 2 weeks or could be 2 months plus. He asked if he did be interviewed again she sed he had his chance the night he was arrested but solicitor told him to say no comment. Yes he has done seriously wrong but surely he needs to defend him self for the thibgs he hasn't done that they say has.

I then today receive a phone call from sw to book a meeting with me an kids as one is abit over due xx

Edited by moderator Wed February 6, 2019 10:57am


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Tue November 20, 2018 8:32pmReport post

Sorry you are having a tough week. Sometimes it feels like a rollercoaster of up and downs. Have you looked at privately renting as letting agent fees are high, sometimes dealing with landlord direct can be cheaper. Or maybe see if local housing association/council are able to help, not not sure what the criteria is for that but might be worth looking at. You do only get one interview unless there are other offences. Its a choice whether you make a no comment interview or answer the questions. Maybe seek further legal advice on what can be done. He will have the chance to defend himself in court and his solicitor will be able to advise what can be done. Christmas is a tough time of year as a family with all these problems i know i am not much looking forward to christmas this year even though we are very lucky to spending some of it together as a family. Im sure you will be able to give the kids a good christmas even though it will be different.


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Posted Tue November 20, 2018 11:37pmReport post

Thank you for your reply.

I am trying to look for private landk8rd but seem to be like gold dust round here. I have tried coubcuk but I would be in the last band so no chance if getting house through them.

Oh right I didn't no that. He still won't get to defend himself as he pkeadubg guilty so won't have a trail.

It's my son's birthday in December an then Xmas it's just the thought that the cps cud be in contact anytime for him to go in x