Family and Friends Forum

Depression leading up to court

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Member since
November 2019

65 posts

Hi everyone

Ok so a bit of background, we got the knock September 2018 and second interview was October last year had a hearing at magistrates on 17th January this year and got the crown court on 18th February. he was charged with iioc.

I am finding as the crown court date is nearing he is getting more depressed and pushing me away. I can't seem to do anything to help him and I'm struggling with my mental health over the fact he's pushing me away.

He is remorseful and is disgusted in his actions and getting help with his porn addiction but with the court case coming up he's getting more and more restless but won't leave the house we have both become hermits over the last couple of weeks, and it's only getting worse.

What do I do to help him. I've rung the helpline and so has he but it didn't seem to help him just make he's thoughts worse. HELP at my wit's end with this whole process.

Posted Fri January 24, 2020 7:06amReport post


Member since
January 2019

31 posts

I don't have any advice really, but just wanted to let you know my husband is experiencing the same, he now has a court date at the end of July, but despite being on medication and being in therapy seems to be getting more depressed. Perhaps it's just to be expected and is all part of this emotional rollercoaster we are all on? I don't know.

Posted Fri January 24, 2020 10:15amReport post

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