Family and Friends Forum

Second interview

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Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Is there anyone on here who can give me their husbands / partners experiences of second interview?.

Where they advised to say no comment all through it again, or be honest?

Did they get charged there and then, or some weeks later?

Just looking for any advice as to what to expect next. Thank you in advance and a big hug to all of you going through this almighty nightmare. Xxx

Posted Mon January 27, 2020 3:49pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

* were.

Hate that you can't see as you type and look back over.

Posted Mon January 27, 2020 3:50pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

39 posts

Hi Dottie

my husband was advised to say no comment again. I was surprised at this as they had the evidence from the devices. Knock was Dec 18, 2nd interview Nov 19, still no arrest. He still hasn’t spoken to solicitor, they will chase up every 3 weeks, or he phones them if he hears anything.

Posted Tue January 28, 2020 8:26amReport post

Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

57 posts

My husband was advised to be honest- which he did. They said it would have to be sent to the CPS to review. 3 days later he had a call to say no further action was being taken as the CPS appreciated his honesty.

Posted Tue January 28, 2020 4:43pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

E that's a long wait inbetween. They really dont realise the stress they cause with drawing it all out. My husband's case has moved quite quickly compaìred to some. Arrested in May 2019, second interview end of Feb so that has been almost exactly 9 months.

It's interesting and somewhat worrying that one solicitor will advice to be honest and another to advice to say no comment. Presume it depends on the severity of the case.

Thanks for replying, I really appreciate it. Xxx

Posted Wed January 29, 2020 11:15amReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Mum of 3, that's the best outcome you could have hoped for, except not being in this situation in the first place. I am so pleased for you.

I find it a bit scary that you are so reliant on your solicitors advice, when some seem to give such bad advice. I know the iioc are on the device as it was me that found them and had to report him, who knows what they will eventually charge him with.

So scared of this next bit of the nightmare. Have coped really well but the anxiety is kicking in again. :( .

Thank you for replying I appreciate it. Xxx

Posted Wed January 29, 2020 11:20amReport post

Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

57 posts

Yes - we're just waiting to find out the outcome of the section 47 from social services now ????????.

We have a long road a head still but I feel it could've been worse if my husband wasn't honest and held his hands up from the very beginning.

I never would've predicted we'd be in this situation ????. Never known stress like it.

Posted Thu January 30, 2020 2:37pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Mum of 3 that is fantastic outcome for your husband and family.
I have never heard of anyone else having such an outcome, was the original charge for iioc or communication with a minor? Sorry if you said already!


mabel x

Posted Fri January 31, 2020 10:24amReport post

Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

57 posts

It was for iioc and for sending 1 of those on to someone else

Posted Fri January 31, 2020 3:08pmReport post

Quick exit