Family and Friends Forum

Son had voluntary interview, was told they would write to him in 3-6 months

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Member since
January 2020

11 posts

Voluntary interview Tuesday, told they would write to him ... He said no comment to everything on the advice of his solicitor ... I genuinely weren't expecting him to come home for hours, if not overnight, so was shocked when he walked through door 2 hours after appointment, I felt relief when he walked through the door only to be told there was no actual outcome eg bail,charged, and that they would write to him within 3-6 months ... Anyone else had this? Is it a good sign? Not read any other stories about being written to!

Posted Wed January 29, 2020 7:03pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

11 posts

I've called down alot now, I still feel sick over it, bit from what my son has said was the evidence shown to him, I can see why he said what he did . Are you telling me they may text yo say he's been charged? Stuff like holidays, none of us have been away for 5 years but now don't feel we can book anything cos we don't know what's gonna happen! God it's sooo infuriating!

Posted Wed January 29, 2020 8:58pmReport post

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