Family and Friends Forum

Success stories???

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Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Posted Thu January 30, 2020 5:02pmReport post

Hello fellow forum dwellers

can anyone tell me if there is any success stories for offenders ?? I'm getting really angry with the way my boy is being treated and he is doing his best an getting nowhere !
throw your positivity at me please !
thanx for reading xxx


Member since
December 2018

85 posts

Posted Thu January 30, 2020 8:23pmReport post

Hi janno

I too am mum of son , and he received the knock wen age 18 , in 2016 , he was charged with iioc, and , got 10 yrs on reg , 5yrs shpo, and some community service , to say we were devastated was an understatement, he has got himself on a apprenticeship course at college and has a job , so preserver it can need a lot working out but is not impossible, and hopefully the more of these men that succeed in turning their lives around society will look upon them differently , tell him it's not the end it can be the new beginning, love to you both xx


Member since
January 2020

15 posts

Posted Fri January 31, 2020 9:02amReport post

Nonna your post is extremely positive as I'm completely lost my son is currently 18 at college awaiting a uni place or apprenticeship as at it stands he's been released pending further investigations he was arrested for iioc and his devices have been taken to be examined.

He currently sees his future in tatters and can't see any positive in anything as his mum it's heartbreaking as he's he's made a dreadful mistake and is ashamed and every other emotion that comes with it but can't see light at the end if the tunnel.

I was advised to get him into counciling and on to a prevention programme which I am in the process of doing but it's all still very Ray this only happened on Monday!

But thankyou for you positive story it gives me a little bit of faith he can and will get through and succeed x


Member since
January 2020

15 posts

Posted Fri January 31, 2020 9:04amReport post

All the best jonno on this awful journey x


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Posted Fri January 31, 2020 9:38amReport post

Thanku for ur replies !
my son is 30 has been mentally unwell since childhood, we've seen many a shrink and councillor or have their theories but no help ! He hasn't got a job is socially awkward can't cope with people at all he only has 1 friend which is also his g/f only family members to stick by him is me my partner and my mum which is heartbreaking ! If I had money I'd get him the best of help but I haven't. The drs tell me to get therapy but it's a general therapist not anyone that specialises in this field, I don't see the point ! From the way his brothers are treating him I can't see him lasting the year (he has tried many times) before all this as well as since the knock!
I just haven't got a clue how to fix my family and keep my boy alive and give him the courage to live a life !
moan over xxx


Member since
May 2019

59 posts

Posted Sat February 1, 2020 10:33amReport post

Janno that post makes me so sad reading that - I hope you're okay! It sounds like you're trying to keep everything together. Just keep being supportive how you are and that's all you can do, you're doing your best and it's not for you to beat yourself up about no one wants to be in this nightmare.

i wish you all the best xx


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Posted Sun February 2, 2020 5:51pmReport post

Thanku all for ur replies trying to stay positive altho more doom n gloom this week when ss found out my sons still seeing his g/f they informed her child's father who has now said she can't see her son if she continues even speaking to my son ! She's so upset as u can imagine my son is about to lose the only friend he has !
seriously not sure what else can go wrong ! Xx