Family and Friends Forum

Frustrated and at a loss

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Member since
June 2019

7 posts

Our knock came 13.03.2019 my husband has yet to be arrested for downloading indecent images and putting cameras in our bathroom.

He is living with his mother, working part time and living a nice life. As he threatened suicide after the knock and was in a MH unit for some weeks after .in order to stop him taking his life I told him to fight, fight to be a father and over time allowed him supervised access and as I'm working full time and cant cover all the summer holidays I allowed him to have the kids at his mums overnight as long as he was in another room.

Theres been no discussion with the kids about inappropriate behaviour. Child services were happy for me to safeguard and thus ened their input at the time.

Fast forward to this month, a male friend and his child came over for lunch and playdate. Whilst in kitchen making lunch, my daughter massaged his shoulders, he stopped her immediately and informed me that she said"it was something she did for daddy"

I reported to my school key worker who reported to child services. Week later I meet with the DC in charge of investigation, still MONTHS away from them getting all the forensic information and report, but have me identify stills from some of the cameras. Images of children on the toilet, friends and family on toilet, in shower and our foreign students (all girls aged between 11&16!)????.

I do t want him to have access now BUT according to CS and DC it's down to me to inform him BUT I cant say why, I cant tell him or anyone identified in pictures as still under investigation.

How do I tell him? How do I tell the kids?

I feel so alone in this, I feel like I'm the one in the wrong and if I did allow him access and god forbid something g did happen I would be the one in the wrong

Posted Thu January 30, 2020 5:17pmReport post

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