Family and Friends Forum

Waiting for cps

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Member since
November 2019

8 posts

The investigation on my husband has now been going on for 10 months. The case has now gone to the CPS. I was wondering if this is the norm with all cases that are investigated or is it only if the police have enough evidence for it to go to court. The waiting is the worst part.

Posted Mon February 3, 2020 1:28pmReport post

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts

Alot of forces send every case to the cps so that the cps can issue no further action or recommend a caution as this then makes the police look better for not just dishing out NFA's and cautions for one time offences etc.

We are 14 months post knock and nothing has been done and a few others on here were told cases with cps in September and still no update now- it really just is the longest of waiting games.

Posted Mon February 3, 2020 3:27pmReport post

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